
[轉貼] [香港] 英雄本色三部曲(1967) [粵語/中文字幕][DVD-RMVB/1.15GB]

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[香港] 英雄本色三部曲(1967) [粵語/中文字幕][DVD-RMVB/1.15GB]

產品名稱 : 英雄本色三部曲
英文片名 : A Better Tomorrow Trilogy
藝人名稱 : 張 國榮 (演員) | 周潤發 (演員) | 梅艷芳 (演員) | 梁 家輝 (演員) | 狄龍 (演員)
導      演 : 吳宇森

上映日期 : 1967年
語      言 : 粵語
字      幕 : 中文字幕
製作來源地 : 香港   
檔案格式 : DVD-RMVB
檔案大小 : 1.15GB
級      別 : IIB
片      長 : 100 (分鐘)  
做種時間 : 3小時內完種
驗證碼 : 01862d25334a04a03d5686f7f8c11bf0fd2a3468



        The passage of a heroic character intheunder world seeking vengeance against conspirtor and the love ofhisyounger brother. The brothers are in conflicting roles, the outlawandcop. Sung Tse-kit (Leslie Cheung), a deicated policeman blamedTse-ho(Ti Lung) for father's death as much as obstructing his career inthepolice force. Flamboyant Tse-ho and Mark (Chow Yuen Fat)are betrayedbytheir jealous subordinate Tam Shing (Lee Tse Hung) into hecountereitsyndicate. Gun wounded Tse-ho gives himself up in order tolet TamShing escape. After serving his jail term. repentant Tse-horeturns toHong Kong to lead a new life and finds out Mark was crippedin themassacre for his vengeance. But crooked Tam Shing as arisinglieutenant in the syndicate would not take chances. He wastes notimeto plot against Tse-ho and Mark....


  宋子豪(狄龍)提前獲釋,旋即加入一國際偽鈔集團工作,事實上,子豪與子杰(張國榮)是奉派混入龍四(石天)的龍氏造船廠收集犯罪証據。龍四的助手高英培(關山)才是犯罪集團首腦,龍四被蒙在鼓裡,後更船廠亦被吞沒,子豪與子杰暗助龍四往紐約,交托好友Ken(周潤發)代為照顧。但高仍派殺手追殺,幸Ken 本是退隱手,為江湖道義放棄辛苦建立的餐館及家庭,為龍四回港對付高英培……

        Sung Tse-ho (Ti Lung) joins aninternationalcounterfeit syndicate after his early release from prison.He and hisbrother, Tse-kit, is missioned by the police to collectevidence of thecounterfeit activities of Lung's Ship Building Company.Ko Ying Pui,assistant of Lung (Dean Shekl, is in fact the man at thehelm. CrookedKo plans to kill Lung and take over his shipyard to servehis ownpurpose. in order to save the innocent, Tse-ho and Tse-kit(LesileCheung) escort Lung to New York and leave him under the care ofKen(Chow Yun Fat). Ken was a killer who has turned over a new leafandleads a new life in New York. Lung is still in danger even thoughKenfearlessly fights off the killers sent by Ko Ying Pui. a feelingofethics and friendship makes Ken abandon his family andrestaurantbusiness to take Lung back to Hong Kong and deal with Ko.
  When Ko discovers Tse-kit is an undercover from the police,hecommands Tse-ho to kill his own brother. Tse-ho is forced toshoot.Tse-kit who escapes wounded. Tse-hi persuades Tse-kit to retreatas heis in great danger but Tse-kit firmly refuses....



  1974, Mark and Kit were on the same plane arriving at SaigonAirport.Mark's hidden cash led him to a bitter encounter with thelocalCustoms. Unaware of Kit's help, Mark's money was returned, hislifeunharmed. Mark's cousin, Mun was imprisoned for fraud. WithMark'sarrival and money he was freed. The two cousins by now havefinallypersuaded Mun's father to leave Vietnam and his shop, a placewhere hehad dedicated all his time and efforts. To acquire enough moneytobribe the Customs officers in their plan to get out of Vietnam, Munhadlittle choice but to pull a final deal of smuggling US Cash. Atthenightclub, they met the trafficker for the deal - Kit...

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