
[轉貼] [香港] [恐怖] [校墓處] [國粵語中字] [DAT/909M]

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[香港] [恐怖] [校墓處] [國粵語中字] [DAT/909M]

產品名稱 : 校墓處
英文片名 : The Haunted School
藝人名稱 : 李蕙敏 (演員) | 徐天佑 (演員) | 張致恆 (演員) | 李逸朗 (演員) | 傅穎 | 陳美詩 | 梁靖琪 | 麥子豪
導      演 : 錢文錡
上映日期 : 2007-04-27
語      言 : 粵語, 國語
字      幕 : 英文, 繁體中文
製作來源地 : 中國香港   
檔案格式 : DAT
檔案大小 : 909MB
級      別 : IIB
片      長 : 90 (分鐘)  
做種時間 : 6小時內完種
驗證碼 : 725c239a8d4b5c96cd4a22652ad3135f7c0bc7b1

由劉偉強監製、新人導演錢文錡執導的《校墓處》,以港式青春鬼故事來作招徠,並找來眾青春偶像擔當演出,包括︰Shine徐天佑、Sun Boy'z張致恆(Steven)、Cookies傅穎(Theresa)、女生宿舍成員梁靖琪(Toby)、陳美詩(Macy)、李逸朗(Don)等,以及久違銀幕的歌手李蕙敏演出,電影故事背景以高校出發,並以驚慄為賣點,是2004年《古宅心慌慌》以來又一部青春驚慄片,影片以用高清拍攝,把隱藏了十年的追魂詛咒啟動起來! 校務處是大家校園的回憶,但是納蘭中學這間女校卻有非一般的訓導地方—《校墓處》。影片中有不少高校的鬼怪傳說,例如︰學校曾經歷過火災、牆上出現像人影似的污蹟、夜半傳出歌聲等等。事緣於出名校規嚴厲的女校因男生的出現一下子,變得鬧哄哄;後來眾學生更不惜挑戰「嚴禁談戀愛」這條違反天理的校規,結果讓火災而消失了的校務處又再次出現,訓導主任的冤魂靜靜地步出,一步一步的逼近……

Director: Chin Man Kei




Since Lap Lan Secondary School had undergo a fire ten years ago. Without any reasons there are always a silhouette show on the wall and someone is singing in the middle of the night. All different kind of scary and horrible rumors are spread around the school. Lap Lan Secondary School is a girl school, however, under the education policy, Goh Keung, Charles, Ben and Dick are assigned to Lap Lan Secondary School to continuous their secondary school education. Four boys among the boring boarding school girl, which make their school life full of excitement. Love and rebellion are the given right of the youngster. Dick, Ah Sze and Cat are missing and found dead bizarrely. The incident has make Goh Keung and Yat Man almost cracking down. They decided to challenge the rule of [Forbidden to Fall in Love] which is the unreasonable school regulation to against the nature of love. At the mean time, the old school office which is damage by the blaze ten years ago has show up again and the ghost of the Dean of the school is stepping out from nowhere, closer and closer...step by step...

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[ 本帖最後由 lok1628890 於 2009-2-10 05:35 AM 編輯 ]
