
My 春秋 experience

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My 春秋 experience

Dear all brothers , i went to  春秋 last week at day time  and tried a girl , her name is Co Co ,service was excellent and i can say that she is better than 海琪( night time )  but she said she is not always here .
On yesterday I went to 春秋 again , i asked keeper is Co Co here , he said not here , then he introduced Anna to me and her service was not bad , overall compare  海琪 / Co CO / Anna :

CO CO : Excellent - Young girl / looking good / body is very good / service is excellent

海琪   : Very Good : Middle lady / looking OK / body is good / service is very good
             ( I tried her a few times in couple months ago )            

ANNA   : Good : Young girl / looking OK / body is ok / service is ok

Those are only my experience and opinion , so ...brothers good luck !!

Happy New Year

原帖由 bigeyes36 於 2009-1-21 10:54 AM 發表 查看引用來源
Dear all brothers , i went to  春秋 last week at day time  and tried a girl , her name is Co Co ,service was excellent and i can say that she is better than 海琪( night time )  but she said she is not ...
I like 海琪 very much.
Is she still working or not ???

原帖由 bigeyes36 於 21-1-2009 10:54 發表 查看引用來源
Dear all brothers , i went to  春秋 last week at day time  and tried a girl , her name is Co Co ,service was excellent and i can say that she is better than 海琪( night time )  but she said she is not ...
:smile_41: .....Where is 'Chun Chau' ching.....? Thanks...!

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i don`t know ar  ! Last 2 times i went to there was in the day time !! but  i think she is still here . Let`s try brother

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:smile_45: :smile_45:

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Dear brother

I am here just share my experience , everyone can say whatever they want , so , i dun mind whatever u say !!
Go or not go , try or not try , trust or not trust ,is up to u

happy new year

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thank you



Any Ching who wants to try can find this place in other porn site.
