
[轉貼] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH09 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

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(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH09 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH09 2008-11-19 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 244 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

19 Nov 2008        Mr. Monk Is Up All Night

One day, a mysterious woman in the street grabs Monk's attention. Monk has never met the woman before but she seems strangely familiar and he feels compelled to chase her for two blocks before losing track of her.

The encounter so haunts Monk that he can't sleep for days. Growing desperate, Monk takes Natalie's advice and decides to go for a late night walk, during which he sees the mystery woman for a second time. This time, the woman is driving a taxicab. Monk tries to stop her but she eludes him once again.

Then, Monk hears angry voices coming from an alley. He follows the noise to a restaurant window where he sees an apparent drug bust going down. An undercover cop is pointing a gun at two men: a longhaired drug dealer and a bookish man. A fight ensues and the undercover cop is shot dead by the drug dealer. The bookish man and the drug dealer run away.

阿蒙遇上一名中年女子,縱使與她素未謀面,但阿蒙卻感到一種莫名的熟悉感覺。每當阿蒙合上眼睛,便會聯想到那名女子,阿蒙更因而打電話到電視台告 知主持人。 阿蒙嘗試多種催眠方法不果,最後聽從Natalie的意見,決定於深夜時到街上走走以抗失眠,豈料該名神秘女子竟是的士司機,阿蒙追上去的同時,竟讓他目 擊一宗兇案的發生。當阿蒙通知附近警員到場調查時,本來打鬥混亂的兇案現場竟然一瞬間還原!到底這名女子與案件又有甚麼關係?

Pearl 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH09 2008 11 19
