(Pearl) House 醫神(III) 2008-11-11 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]
原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄
【檔案大小】 : 252 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格 式】 : 640 x 480
11 Nov 2008 One Day, One Room
House has beaten the drug charges and is back at the hospital after a short stint in rehab. Cuddy comes to collect on House's debt for perjuring herself on the stand and keeping him out of jail. She forces House to pay off the debt in clinic hours, requiring him to carry out a series of less-than desirable patient exams in the clinic. Tired of House's incessant whining about his disdain for the patients, Cuddy turns his clinic duty into a game, with the stakes raised to a level that speaks to House – money. At the clinic, House encounters patient Eve, who has tested positive for an STD and admits she's very recently been raped. Knowing he can't do anything more for Eve medically, House refers her to a psychiatrist, but she refuses to talk to the doctor and will only be treated by House. He repeatedly tries to dismiss himself from her case, but finds himself forced to unravel a very different puzzle than the sort he's used to – and compelled to come to terms with events in his own life in order to help Eve make sense of her own. Meanwhile, at the clinic Cameron encounters a homeless man with terminal cancer who, in spite of her pleas to let her ease his suffering, admits to her his basis for refusing pain medication during his final hours in the “One Day, One Room” episode of HOUSE.
House被控非法藏毒的罪名不成立,原來Cuddy為了令House脫罪而給了假證供,她遂要求House以診症時間還人情債。 House的新病人是患有性病的Eve,而她更承認最近曾經被人強姦。House認為在醫學上可以為Eve做的已經不多,於是提議把她轉介到心理科,但 Eve卻拒絕與心理醫生對談,並揚言只願接受House的治療。然而面對House,Eve卻沒有話說,坦言自己也不知為何只想與他說話。House則認 為每個人做每件事都應該有自己的理由,Eve就以「因為我相信你」來回答……
Pearl House CH12 2008 11 11.divx