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请各位帮推荐一款上述公司出的 你认为的第一

sorry, but i can only type in english right now, so i hope you will understand,

1) EGO : their games are mostly more towards the mystic side, and there are many myth, stories, and creatures that you will remember, though you might remember some of them. As for gameplay and story, its a bit better than all the other ones where you just press Ctrl and be done with the game, the love scenes are also pretty much the same over the course of the game, but there are quite alot of rape and tentical rapes in them, so if you are not into that genra, i suggest you stay away. (I personally hate it.)

2) CIRCUS : the game by CIRCUS is mostly about love stories with a bit of magical abilities within them, the most known game by CIRCUS is D.C. which is now remaked into an anime, their stories follow a path which is regonizable, but adding new element to the story, you can go check them out. For love/romance is my type of game

3) elf : i'm terrible sorry, but im not really familiar with this company, as well as their games, so i can't really say much about this. :029:

4) 戲畫 : i found that games by Giga (戲畫) is very well done, as with all the elements of story, style of drawing, as well as VOs, (voice overs) Dual savoir is one of the best H-game i have paly to date, while insanely fun to play, its also great with different characters, stories, and different twists and endings that will keep you comming back~

5) Alicesoft : Another great company with the great games, with alicesoft, you can take out the h-element, and it will still have a very very enjoyable game, as for that, i highly recommend this if you are into play styles, though the stories are nothing out of the ordinary, you can still get a hold of the whole game. Very nice indeed. oh, and most of their games does not have VOs.

heres my 2cents, hope you understand it, thanks for reading~~

CIRCUS 說到馬戲團都會想到D.C系列吧 個人是沒說很喜歡啦 因為實在太多了覺得很麻煩. 跟馬戲團比起來我比較推薦旗下分支的MOONSTONE這家公司 尤其是"何処へ行くの、あの日"這款!
戯画 Baldr Force EXE絕對是不二選 雖然是2003年的作品 劇情跟遊戲性保證是玩過都說一流

新作那些都已經很少玩了(H GAME 吸引力下降)

感覺前 3者 都重故事及人設~
ELF 一半一半啦 遊戲性也有一些,故事性也有一些 (個人感覺....至今還是沒一只取代得了龍騎士 DOS版的地位...)
EGO 感覺畫風全部一樣看的多沒什麼新意
CIRCUS 個人比較少留意這間公司

後2 者重 遊戲性
戲畫  -機甲戰線系列 BB BF XS 那些都是遊戲性 主要
Alicesoft - 這個SLG 戰棋 類很多....RPG 也有不少(RANCE 系列就是啦)
