
today I want thanks dehum and AA brother in here

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today I want thanks dehum and AA brother in here

:023: :023: :023:  I really want thanks dehum and aa brother in here:023: :023: :023:

in few day ago, I saw the topic call " 有感而發" .

today I control myself not buy so much, I just buy not more than total $80 in all day race.

although I win little , but it is win, better than always lost.

I feel happy because dehum and aa give me a good advise. so i can control buy little, but also have fun in horse racing.

I saw all brother in the topic, i guess some of brother is win today, I feel happy for them and congulation to them.

:036: :036: :036:

原帖由 amyhk 於 2007-6-24 11:57 PM 發表
:023: :023: :023:  I really want thanks dehum and aa brother in here:023: :023: :023:

in few day ago, I saw the topic call " 有感而發" .

today I control myself not buy so much ...

原帖由 dehum 於 2007-6-25 12:08 AM 發表

想再開心點,下季會諗多點古怪野出來玩,睇你跟唔跟!賭馬宜家最緊要睇幕後心態,我搵佢地動機、手法,我都係俾【情中情】啟發,賭馬另類選馬方法,要搵贏錢方法,都要付出唔好只係跟買,好多野我都不停資料搜 ...
dehum, thanks

原帖由 amyhk 於 2007-6-24 11:57 PM 發表
:023: :023: :023:  I really want thanks dehum and aa brother in here:023: :023: :023:

in few day ago, I saw the topic call " 有感而發" .

today I control myself not buy so much ...

原帖由 himlees 於 2007-6-25 12:24 AM 發表


thanks thanks, hope you win and all brother wins.:036: :036:

至於跑馬既時候..記得跟 dehum 和 himlees 就得啦..:097:

原帖由 aanunes 於 2007-6-25 11:49 AM 發表
至於跑馬既時候..記得跟 dehum 和 himlees 就得啦..:097:

原帖由 aanunes 於 2007-6-25 11:49 AM 發表
至於跑馬既時候..記得跟 dehum 和 himlees 就得啦..:097:
aanunes brother:

thanks, I will rememeber, you know, I want find himlees brother post , but don't know find in where, every time only see him come and go only, hehehehehee.

but he is also good point gar, thanks.

of course you also work hard, but in these few day, I saw dehum and other brother about %

data base, I think it is need raceing half of year to find out data base, right??

because in first month, how can so fast find out the %, i am not good in caculation in %.

but now I try to see and feel how to do that. i am still learning.

in your post topic, I also thinking your explain every horse style and character.

but in me I find out, if want early to buy the horse, it cannot work. In these few time, I sit in the computer,

I feel only buy in that race as the same time is better than early to buy.

I think most of brother also buy in that race. right??
