今晚放工之後, 約左朋友去Opus Grill, LKF Hotel 食飯. 原本都ok幾relax既, 咁突然間有個鬼佬走埋泥 bought me a drink, 跟住佢想話一齊坐, 點知我朋友話呢個鬼佬係o係Goldman Sachs 度做, 亦都係一個頗PK既人, 佢一路話....Hey! sweetie, u know how sweet and sexy u r, wanna try my flying car for a joyride? 我聽到都覺得討厭, 於是乎, 心生一計, 串佢; 佢話想請我地食餐飯, dun mind to pay for us. 我就話......"You just grab all the money around the world, and just kinda robber like.....Oh! U pay for me, dun you? Should know ur country's on the way to bankruptcy, dun u know that? I'm young but know what dignity is, and pls! Leave me alone, you asshole!" 之後係點, 剩係知道佢'玀'左咁唔知點, 而我就著住我既短裙套裝離開. 哈.......