
Final update!~ 我竟然被女病人色誘 #1 #36 #62, 我和 ex #75, #88, #118, #134

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Hahaha玩自己linking low

原帖由 anglux.lee 於 2012-11-2 06:39 AM 發表 查看引用來源

How is the result so far? And what is the sample size?

what.... If the child really abducted, that will be a very sad story... Probably be sold to other countries...
So far ketofol is better than ketamine or propofol alone. But further tests are needed to be approved by the USDA.
We are doing a double bonded research, so both the docs and patients don't know what they are given. The sample size of course isn't the same, it depends on the patient's body weight.

Well true. But I just thought itd be interesting to see one of these big events once in a lifetime. I mean..why code pink is issued, I don't think the abductor could leave the hospital without being caught. So I am not too worried about this lol

Sweet memories

Keep sharing more:smile_40:

原帖由 sieramist 於 2012-11-2 02:17 PM 發表 查看引用來源

So far ketofol is better than ketamine or propofol alone. But further tests are needed to be approved by the USDA.
We are doing a double bonded research, so both the docs and patients don't know ...
You can see much more stuffs in pre-hospital events. I went into fire scene, a major one... anyway... So much unexpected stuffs in pre-hospital settings.

原帖由 YanD2012 於 2012-11-2 02:40 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Sweet memories

Keep sharing more:smile_40:
Not sweet as yours~

I will update if my post reaches Page 7 or 8 la..... If nobody is interest... no point to type it out  =[

[ 本帖最後由 anglux.lee 於 2012-11-2 03:51 PM 編輯 ]

very nice

原帖由 anglux.lee 於 2012-11-2 07:46 AM 發表 查看引用來源因性而有愛,係最好形容小弟當年同 ex o既方法。我當年仲好純... :smile_35:  Y 頭髮長長,斯斯文文,有少少似張柏芝。佢係保險 agent,長期著 suit。第一次約會,就係佢晚飯比 plan 我。當晚我無任何邪念, ...

o個程的士車程特別長。。。 Y 由除裇衫褸開始講,到Bra 解扣,然後條裙既拉鍊,絲襪,T-Back...... 係!佢竟然話我知條白色T-back 濕左 lor!? 想點:smile_27:

唔知好彩定唔好彩,Y 開水就要收線喇。之後幾日就間中 SMS,講電話。有一晚, Y 半夜好嗲咁打比我:「我掛住你添,想見你。」

「下?好夜喇 wor?妳落得街咩?」我答:smile_13:

Y 好小鳥依人 ge 聲回應:「都得既... 不過都係唔好喇,你要返工。其實,我好鐘意你把聲。陪我講電話都夠喇~」


我回應: 「雖然我唔怕黑,但其實我係怕凍架... 我... 依家除晒衫, 其實準備沖涼...」:smile_42:


我當然 say no, 話沖完快快趣趣搵佢就收線。其實我係換衫揸車搵 Y。。。去到佢樓下,經過 7-11,當然買定少少血野:smile_44: 。之後就打比 Y, 比個 surprise 佢。Y 就咁一件長身羽絨就落左樓,但係因為當時冬天好凍,佢就帶左我去後樓梯傾計

傾傾下 Y 話凍,我就除左件外套比埋 Y,再攬住佢講:「我曾經學過,當兩個人好凍既時候,交換體溫係最保暖架!」

Y打左我胸口一 o下,講左句:「你好曳。不過我要暖手。。。」

「妳合埋眼啦,我褲袋入面有樣o野好暖 o架~~」講完,我之後就輕輕捉住 Y 隻手入褲袋。。。心諗頭先好彩去左 7-11   

Y就面都紅晒,直至佢隻手入到我褲袋。。。 Y 輕輕叫左一聲,問我:「eeee......好衰呀你,不過好暖。咩黎架?」隨後就拎左佢出黎。。。  無錯,係個暖包!我怕 Y 凍,就去7-11買定幾個。 Y 知道我 o既心意,好甜咁對我笑。我?當然電暈左啦!:smile_27:

「你企起身先啦!」 Y 說


之後 Y 面紅紅地說:「我想企 o係到攬住... 凍凍」:smile_13:

我就叫 Y 合上眼,之後我從後攬住 Y。一隻手攬住腰,攬到好實。弟弟剛好貼住 Y o既 Pat Pat。另一隻手臂跨過 Y 胸口,我掌心手指輕輕掃 Y 塊面同耳仔。然後就 o係 Y 耳邊輕輕呼吸,綿綿輕訴:「妳。。。點解咁甜 ge...?」

有人有興趣先繼續啦,襯我 Day off


i have interesd!!!!!!!!
