
About 沉船 (Does Hongkonger got money so easy?)

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To okacheung,








原帖由 macaubeyond 於 2011-2-9 02:23 AM 發表 查看引用來源
To okacheung,

我和你一样,我也厌恶公权体系下的官僚资本主È ...
I don't have a problem of you pointing out the problems in H.K and I really don't think you are bad-mouthing it. But somehow you forget the root of the problem. Like you said, the advantages H.K have are its legal system and overall quality of its people. Unfortunately, they are being chipped away because of our great motherland. As long as the systems in China remain pretty much the same(forseeable future), H.K will always be a little safe haven for the foregin investors, witnessed by their actions in setting up shops in H.K. I only worry the ticking time-bomb will explode sonner rather than later.......:smile_42:

回覆 81# 的帖子

广州天河区和深圳福田区??? These are districts to compare with the whole of HK? Let's be all fair and square, if it is comparing the GDP per capita in Central, HK, I think the people in those district will still have to look further for another 50 years. By the way, you think this growth in the PRC is forever?

Also, no doubt Shanghai is taking the lead in PRC financial center, but one have to recognise that Shanghai is the center of the North-east only. A strong half of the economic activities are in the South, as you mentioned Guangdong province and its nearby provinces are doing well in technology and domestic tradings. Note, and I have to say again, HK has many investments in these regions and will benefit from the growth. May be you should look at a better economic indicator to find out more about how exactly does HK fare against those towns such as the use of GNP per capita.You can imagine HK is the brains and management behind a lot of these successes and likewise, many enterprises in the South wanting a more international outlook  naturally choose to list in HK. HK people will surely be alerted to work hard so as to keep up with you fast riches.  

However, I have to give you credits for having good knowledge of economics, politics and history. But having said that that some of your views are too PRC oriented and simply had too much pride. Although I don't want the growth to disappear but be hold when the growth reaches its plateau, the storm will come and I think you have never experienced a financial crisis before. HK people have been through many and have well adapted so they are preserving their wealth quite well by now.


Btw, time for me to go to work now. I work for an investment bank and I work hard. I know my meager salary is uncomparable for you fast riches but in a few years time I am on my way to at least 2-3m (excluding bonus of 12-48 months). No to mention I learn about transactions, corporations and dealing with people like you (or I may not, coz I only talk to big shot bosses for their IPO and M&A transactions). Unlike middleshotman I work freaking hard, but just like many HK people, I am vigilant about "China rising", and hate to lose out and will capitalise whenever I can to be even stronger than you fast riches.

原帖由 middleshotman 於 2011-2-8 10:01 AM 發表 查看引用來源
"講真D 正常女仔EX 連佢自己都數唔出幾多個~ 仲要件件環保中出添啦"....最經典呢句。。。師兄好野!

以前都仲好d,女女會放長線釣大魚,現在d九十後,真系樣樣都要快。。。特別我哋呢種早出來玩的,真系覺得 ...
識做人既囡囡呢~ 我都見識過~ 果然好快就已經上岸...

事實佢既態度真係令人愛不惜手~ 果然呢D 真係沉都抵~

要養起佢~ 簡直易過借火~ 問題佢有冇本事可以留得住個男人既心~

担白講~ 你想FOC 根本冇乜可能~

但係都唔好離譜到一開波就叫人送手機, 叫人買貴野, 嚇都嚇走哂啦~

講真果句~ 食唔同囡囡~ 你估真係個個咁有家教~!?


囡囡識做時~ 得閒咪返食LO~

好過搵件9唔搭8... 轉頭又放飛機~ 葉問上身~ 黑面催鐘~ 咩都有可能發生...

相好既感覺就係... 就算你唔會娶佢都好~ 你對佢都有少少感情...

而果D o靚妹呢~ 真係唔願做~ 戲都唔想交...


常平D倉~ D囡囡搵幾多錢, 我心中有數啦~

加上D客源都係果班人~ 間唔中會有D生客, 但係唔多LO~

有次星期5 上去~ 4點鐘落倉~ G頭話有D出左快仔未返~ 我話時間尚早~ 我坐陣等下, 睇下有冇新囡返先~

一路到7點40分~ 入黎睇既就有~ 真係帶女出去... 一件都冇...

我就知道佢地D生意其實唔係真係咁好~ 星期5都係咁~ 平日就更加唔駛講~

而我呢D VIP... 相熟G頭都唔敢整件放飛機既比我...

我講明~ 要食快仔深圳大把~ 我駛鬼山長水遠過黎呢邊~!?

而果邊係靠台灣客,香港客, 有時夾D韓國客同日本客~

但係香港客地里位置最方便~ 外地客, 去得幾多次丫~

初四果晚先搞笑~ 一入場~ 擺明就係幾個倉D囡囡擺埋哂係同一個倉比人揀~

囡囡仲話WO~ 佢唔走係因為新年特別旺~ 生意好~ 所以先唔返鄉下住~

但係全世界都知... 新年都仲係度果D~ 即係搵唔到食果班啦~

不過在場囡囡外貌絕對冇問題~ 好多靚女~

敝在有兩件我都識既... 一個我試過~ 一個我個FD試過~ 搵唔到食總會有原因...

連埋果日呢件~ 更加証明我既推論正確~

而之前件相好就係提供到大量行內資訊比我知... 而果邊D 做得耐既囡囡都識KEEP客~

果D 搵唔到食既~ 即係比人一試完就即走... 冇下次果種~


不過我都唔弱~ 我都一樣會玩手機~

之前見過有師兄~ 入倉同幾件相好傾計... 好似選妃咁~

我仲激~ QQ 度叫個相好比埋人名我, 問佢邊個好玩D~

與其聽D 廣告REPORT 不如直接問D囡囡好過~


我了解大陸同胞有錢,但人地錢點用是人家的事,人地ok就ok la.




原帖由 Bunryuu 於 2011-2-9 09:34 AM 發表 查看引用來源

識做人既囡囡呢~ 我都見識過~ 果然好快就已經上岸...

事實佢既態度真係令人愛不惜手~ 果然呢D 真係沉都抵~

要養起佢~ 簡直易過借火~ 問題佢有冇本事可以留得住個男人既心~

担白講~ 你想FOC ...

回覆 24# 的帖子

喂, C hing , 唔好 ( humiliate ) 的大陸仔呀..
佢地而家有成2皮野人工好威架 !!!

我想同條大陸柒頭講你柒夠未 ??扮有錢 ....香周街人都過千萬身家 ....有層好的樓都800-900 萬 !!

的大陸仔未人吊夠 !!!


Great, seems like we now reach almost the end of the discussion. Let's spend some money on girls, say $5k to $10k a month out of all the fortunes we have and keep up with the "work hard, play hard" attitude. Here are my last consolation lines for you macaubeyond:

1) If you think I am just a HKer supporting HKers, you may be surprised that I was actually born in Guangzhou and were migrated to HK for less than 15 years. It took me a lot of effort to get to what I am now. Yes, an investment banker and on my way up. I am patriotic too but unlike you I don't took what Chinese media's rosy views of China as face value and began showing off China's muscles rather partially without regard to thinking about a broader view of economic reality.
2) All credits to you, rising above many members of your society but please don't question HKers' capacity to consume and spend. Especially the money spent on girls when they 沉船. They spent the money is not because of they are stupid but in fact, it is quite true and likely that they do have the fortune and capacity to spend. Also, I have to remind you that there are also many other HKers that go to Shenzhen or other parts of China that are not all 桑拿和向西村 visitors and truck drivers. There are many powerful businessmen and wealthy individuals that can truly afford the funs (and the fucks too).
3) If I am causing any grievance or outrage to you, my advice for you is to go to Dongguan for a 桑拿, ask for 3 girls and penetrate all their orfices, that way you can restore your peace of mind. I am sure it will be money well spent.

原帖由 simonkok 於 2011-2-9 04:18 PM 發表 查看引用來源


呢件相好, 真係同我一拍即合~ 唔係情侶feel wo~ 係好似朋友果隻feel 咁~

又因為我本身就已經唔係正常人~ 唔會用有色眼鏡去睇囡囡...


同埋吹水吹到離哂譜~ 又話自己幾有幾有~ 係香港打份幾千蚊工, 同人講搵皮幾兩皮~ 有車有樓~

我連有黑咭都唔會比佢見到... 咪以為好型... 一陣叫你送乜送物比佢...

講真~ 養起佢地~ 真係易如反掌~

我連佢地做一個快仔, 一個過夜客可以分到幾多我都知...


結論係~ 客少, 囡囡多~ 根本唔足夠養咁多囡囡...

所以d 媽咪例牌你一入去~ 就sell d 成日都冇生意既垃圾比你...

只有熟客~ 先會搵d 有招呼既比你...

一般熟客係連揀女都廢事... 直接打比g頭叫佢搵件比你...

而我就鐘意落場揀~ 始終信唔過... 都唔知比件咩「極品」我...

而囡囡呢~ 邊件紅牌~ 邊件垃圾, g 頭一定知!!!

紅牌呢~ 必然有佢過人之處~ 大前提係未必一定「好靚」, 但係佢一定會令你好滿意~ 甚至沉船~

而於「好靚」果d... 隨時玩完返黎出份「跌錢報告」

我果件相好~ 聽講都好似係紅牌... 梗係啦~ 咁識做... 唔係上左岸~ 真係唔係好想搵其他...

講真~ 食X完... 仲要谷X氣... 真係好X冇引~


最少銀包, 貴重野都唔駛鎖LOCKER... 大家又冇咁假~ 要做戲~

兼夾佢一定唔會放我飛機~ 又遲一遲都唔願走... 剩係呢PART 都抵返食再返食啦~

第2個... 放你飛機近乎係100%...

OK~ 就算唔放你~ 晨早8點已經要走... 頂盡10點...
