
Looking for 18> ABCs, BBCs, CBCs, ..., ZBCs who prefer eng chat (part 50)

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原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-3-13 10:51 PM 發表

are u ok? u must on alcohol or sth while saying this ... wanna fly yet?
natural high

Bulmers...guess what? I lve it too:smile_40:

Well...but I just cannot drink too much anymore...since there is too much acid in my tummy I suppose...:smile_27:

Thanks buddies, wish me good luck:smile_38:

原帖由 -Leo- 於 2009-3-13 10:55 PM 發表

one time a week
so u hv a team ... good wow

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-3-13 10:53 PM 發表

sounds its a cocktail ...  :smile_41:
try it next time at a restaruant... it's a relatively popular ladies drink

回覆 714# 的帖子

I remember once I went to a pub alone, and that lovely foreign guy bought me a drink. it tasted rather...lol:smile_44:

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-13 11:00 PM 發表

dunno............ (ive never had YK......) :smile_44:
i hvn't either ... :smile_13:
i dun even know if i can find it in this desert

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-13 11:00 PM 發表

natural high
time to shake ur milky .... :smile_30:

原帖由 Yves 於 2009-3-13 11:03 PM 發表
Bulmers...guess what? I lve it too:smile_40:

Well...but I just cannot drink too much anymore...since there is too much acid in my tummy I suppose...:smile_27:

Thanks buddies, wish me good luck ...
take a Tums or Pepcid AC (what is the hk equivalent of this???)..... should neutralize the acid problem....

really? u had bulmers before??? u're so cool, yves

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-13 11:06 PM 發表 [/url]

try it next time at a restaruant... it's a relatively popular ladies drink
dunno u r such a sissy
be a real man, boy
go for sth stronger
原帖由 Yves 於 2009-3-13 11:10 PM 發表 [/url]
I remember once I went to a pub alone, and that lovely foreign guy bought me a drink. it tasted rather...lol:smile_44:
no good? too strong or wat :smile_41:

原帖由 Yves 於 2009-3-13 11:03 PM 發表
Bulmers...guess what? I lve it too:smile_40:

Well...but I just cannot drink too much anymore...since there is too much acid in my tummy I suppose...:smile_27:

Thanks buddies, wish me good luck ...
does it mean you can reali drink before? :smile_14:
me is hopeless as soon as my body detects alcohol my face will turn bloody red in less than 10 minus ... n i will feel like blooooody hell :smile_27:

anyway hv u taken any anti-stomach ache pills yet? take care
