
Queer driver looking for 18> sexy drive-mates for Eng chat (pt 72)

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原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-4-8 06:58 PM 發表

no one can argue with u ...
ur thinking is way too deep and complicated for me to understand
Have you heard of 道可道非常道?(Although it has implicit logical problem, put that away first)
It's something simiilar

ohhhh.....need to off now.....horse racing tonite......too bad both of u guys not in HK....i ve got some pretty tips.....:smile_47:

anyway...u guys have a nice day / nite....will c u guys around.....

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-4-8 07:04 PM 發表

i think the beauty u mean here is physical beauty
but to be honest it is one of those things tat i care less ... so i wont take it too serious n i hate to judge ppl based on appearance anyway
Nah...even physical beauty has a long story behind
In my flower and shxt case, there is a deep reason why flower is prettier of shxt and it's not the appearance.
Anyway, you won't allow me to express my opinion on that, i shut up

Why do you think this girl prettier? subjectively and collectively subjectively...

We are just in discussion level and everything you will find, in this world, is really fun

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-4-8 07:06 PM 發表

Have you heard of 道可道非常道?(Although it has implicit logical problem, put that away first)
It's something simiilar
why the heck such freaking words / terms keep coming up in ur mind?

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-4-8 07:11 PM 發表

why the heck such freaking words / terms keep coming up in ur mind?
It is the famous quote from 老子.....
Oh can i ask...where did you receive your highschool/elementary school education?

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-4-8 07:08 PM 發表
Nah...even physical beauty has a long story behind
In my flower and shxt case, there is a deep reason why flower is prettier of shxt and it's not the appearance.
Anyway, you won't allow me to express my opinion on that, i shut up

Why do you think this girl prettier? subjectively and collectively subjectively...

We are just in discussion level and everything you will find, in this world, is really fun
wat? u blame me now
fine please enlighten me why flower is prettier than poo poo in deep down

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-4-8 07:13 PM 發表

It is the famous quote from 老子.....
Oh can i ask...where did you receive your highschool/elementary school education?
HK ... but i went overseas before i completed my f.7 ... ya i chickened out
anyway dun expect too much of my chinese proficiency / literature ... i juz studied for fun in the good old days

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-4-8 07:13 PM 發表

wat? u blame me now
fine please enlighten me why flower is prettier than poo poo in deep down
In short ( I am not a good one to express things, verbally ), we all agree with the appearance, flower is prettier, much prettier.
Let say, we only discuss normal flower.

Ok, imagine, if you were in an ancient earth ( a brand new ancient tribute in Africa or something). There was a apparently pretty (colorful) flower but but but
It stinks, poisonous smell, etc. You couldn't do anything with it and had to stay away from it for god sake.
On the other hand, you found out that your shxt is full of nutrition (like rabbit's shit, due to their digestion system) and bacteria-less(harmless to your health). It would be perfectly fine and even have better nutrition by eating it again like rabbits. As time passed, your impression/idea/value on these two things must be changed by a lot even their appearance are so different ( I keep the appearance as constant here ).

You would start loving shxt and hating the flower. This somehow reflects how pretty a things is ( an overall impression , not only the outlook )
Does it sound reasonable to you?

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-4-8 07:24 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-4-8 07:16 PM 發表

HK ... but i went overseas before i completed my f.7 ... ya i chickened out
anyway dun expect too much of my chinese proficiency / literature ... i juz studied for fun in the good old days
Your english is way better than mine although...your English abbreviation somehow hurts my eyes. LOL

OH, anyway, forgot that quote.

BBQ, got to sleep
