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原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 10:20 AM 發表

nah...its too old-fashioned
how about hip to hip and then....? :smile_46:
then what:smile_14:

playing a trick on me:smile_45: :smile_15:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 10:07 AM 發表 查看引用來源

  are u talking to me or telling ppl about yourself?
i try guess the mean "i am a beautiful women' or "kiss me baby" :smile_46:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 09:08 AM 發表

winfishing multilingual channel

"Trick or Treat?"

how about the following:
dulce o travesura :smile_19:
friandises ou betiste or friandise ou batisme
Süßes oder Saures :s ...
let me try:smile_13:

decide to travel:smile_19:
north pole or south pole
so confusing :smile_27:

原帖由 pc4700 於 2008-10-31 10:21 AM 發表

then what:smile_14:

playing a trick on me:smile_45: :smile_15:
Shakira said: Hips don't lie   (anyway, hv u heard that song b4? good one)
trust me

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 11:42 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Shakira said: Hips don't lie   (anyway, hv u heard that song b4? good one)
trust me
sure:smile_45: :smile_45:

原帖由 winfishing 於 2008-10-31 10:30 AM 發表
i try guess the mean "i am a beautiful women' or "kiss me baby" :smile_46:
u not understand ma lut lo very well my dear :smile_39:
men love to hear more than the "kiss me baby" these days
lets try sth more seductive: "lick me full body" or "pour me ur droop on ..."

anyway انا ذاهب حيلة أو علاج simply mean "Trick or Treat", but in Arabic
interestingly when i looked for the meaning / translation this morning, i came across an article talking about the leak or loophole in the Islamic Bible, the Koran which is written in a certain scripture saying - if your enemy begs for mercy killing, you must forgive and set him free - or sth like that. So in a sense if you are on a hijacked plane and hear someone hollering in Arabic like "in the name of Jihad" or "in the name of Allah", pls be brave to tell that maniac to go ahead and execute you. This literally means you are about to take away his ticket to the Paradise and their promised 10+ virgins after accomplishing the bombing mission. If he does think twice, maybe you are lucky enough to hv ur life saved .... fun reading

solly fisherman, hijacked your thread...pls kill me softly :smile_40:

[ 本帖最後由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 01:02 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 pc4700 於 2008-10-31 10:45 AM 發表

let me try:smile_13:

decide to travel:smile_19:
north pole or south pole
so confusing :smile_27:
wrong wrong wrong!
u missed...pls come back and try again next year lol
here is your consolation prize: Chupa Chups (i got full hand of them now, yummy :smile_47: )

all of them mean "Trick or Treat", but in spanish, french and germen respectively
fun to learn

原帖由 wannabe 於 2008-10-31 12:53 PM 發表 查看引用來源

u not understand ma lut lo very well my dear :smile_39:
men love to hear more than the "kiss me baby" these days
lets try sth more seductive: "lick me full body" or "pour me ur droop on ..."
it is sure:smile_13: :smile_13: if you hijacked by me,in any case begs for you.:smile_34: :smile_34: i will lick you full body:smile_47: :smile_47:

原帖由 winfishing 於 2008-10-31 01:57 PM 發表
it is sure:smile_13: :smile_13: if you hijacked by me,in any case begs for you.:smile_34: :smile_34: i will lick you full body:smile_47: :smile_47:
you lick left side while i lick the right hand side..:smile_47:

原帖由 winfishing 於 2008-10-31 01:57 PM 發表
it is sure:smile_13: :smile_13: if you hijacked by me,in any case begs for you.:smile_34: :smile_34: i will lick you full body:smile_47: :smile_47:
Ahhhhh :smile_04:
u learn (bad things) pretty quick ...
then teach u more if time permits

i'm off now and you hv fun tonight my dear (not sure you got what's on tho )
Happy Halloween!!!!! :smile_40:
