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原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-7-23 12:08 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I'd rather take a Taxi home, more safe.
sure :smile_o12: and now I won't drive after drunk

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-23 12:01 AM 發表 查看引用來源

what else can it be rather than the good sense? XD
Normally, when boys talk around girls.......... you will treat 'talkative' as a compliment?
First time to hear it.
hahaha, but anyway, I like to type, I like to read and you are correct, I like to talk.  I like to sing also and I sing good.

原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-7-23 12:11 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Normally, when boys talk around girls.......... you will treat 'talkative' as a compliment?
First time to hear it.
hahaha, but anyway, I like to type, I like to read and you are correct, I like  ...
Cherry can't sing...
Whenever i had my music exam ( singing part ), the teacher whose was a bitch ( ouch, be nice ) always muttered that you had changed your voice due to growing and then I got really really low score

Yeah, talkative is really nice
The girl I had ever liked was really talkative + nice + considerate
That impressed me a lot...

But...being 8/gossip girls are another story
You are obviously not that type
You are talkative as you like sharing

原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-23 12:09 AM 發表 查看引用來源

sure :smile_o12: and now I won't drive after drunk
From your experience, will it really affect your driving performace?

原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-7-18 12:16 PM 發表 查看引用來源

在標題巳説, 想找41歳以上的男士. 但有些33, 35, 38歳的男士聯絡我, 説不是找SP, 而是喜歡成熟女士. 他們喜歡是他們的事, 但我不喜歡.
因我年紀大過他們, 我不想時時扮後生, 但女性始終介意旁人説她比身邊的男士老. 太辛苦了.
這些年輕男士又會如問巻般, 問許多我以前的事. 像小朋友不停問大人野的感覺. 實在接受不了.

其他年紀適合的, 就睇眼縁吧.
不想在這裏寫什麼要求了. 最緊要雙方溝通到, 相處到.
對方身家, 學歴好, 但對我唔好, 又有什麼用??? 食完餐飯, 感覺是從背脊骨落, 幾好食都無用啦!
男友對自己好唔好, 女性是知道, 感覺到的.

:smile_o15: Hi, 搵到可以溝通既人未呀? 我好少上黎吹水架. 所以無睇你其他 post. 唔好介意.

其實佢地問你以前的事都正常. 面對比自己經驗更豐富的人, 誰都會對其經驗感興趣.

人成熟以後, 一般較少表達自己. 這點亦是給引人之處.

多數情侶男長女幼. 男的經驗豐, 內斂. 女的好奇, 追問.

所以造成眾人形容 "女人麻煩, 天生多問題" 的論點. 其實換轉 男幼女長一樣.

要消除對方的疑惑, 實在要點技巧. 或者就是些溝通藝術掛~

又或者換角度睇. 少女門都愛美化這些猜疑式的追問為 (我都係關心你姐).

如果咁樣諗你會 5 會開心 d ? :smile_o13:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-23 12:18 AM 發表 查看引用來源

From your experience, will it really affect your driving performace?
highly affected, the time for my response to outside is much much slow -----very dangerous for driving on road :smile_39:

原帖由 zest1818 於 2009-7-23 12:19 AM 發表 查看引用來源

:smile_o15: Hi, 搵到可以溝通既人未呀? 我好少上黎吹水架. 所以無睇你其他 post. 唔好介意.

其實佢地問你以前的事都正常. 面對比自己經驗更豐富的人, 誰都會對其經驗感興趣.

人成熟以後, 一般較少表達自 ...
Too long to read but support

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-23 12:17 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Cherry can't sing...
Whenever i had my music exam ( singing part ), the teacher whose was a bitch ( ouch, be nice ) always muttered that you had changed your voice due to growing and then I got rea ...
I wrote my stories out, because I really feel funny, to hear a man saying to me, 'You go to buy first'.
When women gather around, we gossip and it is natural.

原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-23 12:21 AM 發表 查看引用來源

highly affected, the time for my response to outside is much much slow -----very dangerous for driving on road :smile_39:
Didn't know Piggie you drink too
Just think Clotti is the one...

原帖由 zest1818 於 2009-7-23 12:19 AM 發表 查看引用來源

:smile_o15: Hi, 搵到可以溝通既人未呀? 我好少上黎吹水架. 所以無睇你其他 post. 唔好介意.

其實佢地問你以前的事都正常. 面對比自己經驗更豐富的人, 誰都會對其經驗感興趣.

人成熟以後, 一般較少表達自 ...
Got some private messages.
But these few days, seldom chatted, because they seem busy (?).
As I said in my posts already, if chat in this post, no age limit.
If chat privately and want to talk in depth........ I really prefer to chat with someone who match my age.  I have no interest to ask those young guys about their love stories, because I am not interested.  But they seem interested at mines...... kept on asking this and that.  So, I not chat with them in private.  Everything is a two way process.  Only one side interested, can't make anything good.
