
horses looking for 18+ riders (part 104.5)

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原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-5 12:58 PM 發表

May be the authority not have confident to get enough student to open the course (minimum charge)
oh.....pls don't......i did research and only 2 fit to me :smile_24:  i was failed by POLY  :smile_22: i can't lose the chance again...

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-5 01:04 PM 發表 查看引用來源

If so, they can always reserve the right to cancel the course
So, they can recruit first =.=

It's the same for some courses in my college
Course got cancelled if less than 5 students.

Earl ...
There is always some political reason for the department can't recruit the potential candidate too early :smile_39:  and sometimes they got the market research ----> tells it would be marginal to have enough student to open the course (majority of the PT course is self-finance, not supported by UGC Fund, open it or not is pure business option)

[ 本帖最後由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-5 01:11 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-5 01:08 PM 發表 查看引用來源

oh.....pls don't......i did research and only 2 fit to me :smile_24:  i was failed by POLY  :smile_22: i can't lose the chance again...
If for PT course, I think you can try direct talk to the course leader from POLYU to show your passion of study, trust me it works

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-5 01:05 PM 發表

Oh...how about PT high dip or PT asso ( not sure if they offer that ) in other U like CityU or Poly?

Mine is BU anyway XD
don't wanna spend more 2yr for high dip .......i got pro.dip from CITY but ....POLY not admits it:smile_22: dxmn...

原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-5 01:14 PM 發表 查看引用來源

don't wanna spend more 2yr for high dip .......i got pro.dip from CITY but ....POLY not admits it:smile_22: dxmn...
You know CITY and POLY are often ..........:smile_39:

原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-5 01:13 PM 發表

If for PT course, I think you can try direct talk to the course leader from POLYU to show your passion of study, trust me it works
honestly i look into this course 2yrs ago and called them but the ans was " not apply for pro.dip":smile_22: no chance....no way...:smile_22: and i had working reference letter from my director also:smile_22:  they said .......no way...:smile_27:  


原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-5 01:21 PM 發表 查看引用來源

honestly i look into this course 2yrs ago and called them but the ans was " not apply for pro.dip":smile_22: no chance....no way...:smile_22: and i had working reference letter from my director also ...
That's a bachelor degree...
You can keep bugging them?
If as Pigige said, it's a business decision/course, you may be able to do that as you can pay and they can earn XD

That's pretty outdated?...TOEFL is no longer 6xx as full mark?

原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-5 01:15 PM 發表

You know CITY and POLY are often ..........:smile_39:
:smile_22: how come...:smile_22:
my pro.dip not from HKMA....it's awarded by CITY...:smile_22: why not!!!!! SHXXT!!!!! i just wanna study ...:') why not...how poor...
so I'm only can try this one....but not really fit me....:smile_39:


原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-5 01:21 PM 發表 查看引用來源

honestly i look into this course 2yrs ago and called them but the ans was " not apply for pro.dip":smile_22: no chance....no way...:smile_22: and i had working reference letter from my director also ...
I never thought a PT top-up degree course from POLYU (SPEED) will reject ppl in such way :smile_27:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-5 01:24 PM 發表

That's a bachelor degree...
You can keep bugging them?
If as Pigige said, it's a business decision/course, you may be able to do that as you can pay and they can earn XD

That's pretty outdate ...
so have have a chance to update them
i had call.....letter....and call again.....and failed finally and had to give up on the date
