回覆 579# IVYCHU 的帖子
個個都係咩GE LA.. 冇時間..冇耐性.. 乜都要簡單快捷.. 已經唔知道生活是為了什麼? 存在價值是什麼.. 怪誰呢.>
無聊經過.. 文字傾..就就要寫.. 傾可用口說... 但冇用心..感受.. 哎.. LAZY TO TYPE.. well, most ppl now lack of heart.. even just in talking..
I guess IVY u just boring to dead . just wanna express and release a bit of your emotion.. XD .. simple as that right.> ? U r looking for someone who you can trust and talk and release your question marks inside you.. nayway. just bypass.. Cheers! hope everyone happy and never get lonely.~