
FBI agents looking for 18+ subjects to interrogate (pt. 85)

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原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-10 10:16 AM 發表 查看引用來源

you had yum cha with your mama aldy? wow ... you are a good boy too!
actually you should have paired up with your mama for the day trip and if you are lucky those aunties may introduce you to th ...
Press up and Sit up are for muscles?

Aww...I used to have 200 sit-up continuously in 1 sitting when I was F4...
Now I can't do more than 40 in 1 sitting        LOL

Press up...i can't do more than 20 in 1 sitting...at any time.

Those 1 day trip is so popular
My mom group had 4 people and only had 2 tickets. 2 withdraw and so my mom goes with one of her friends...another aunties LOL

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-10 10:21 AM 發表 查看引用來源

oops you are not in the mood of bullshxting i guess
if you don't wanna wait, just go and leave your grandma and grandpa there
nobody can stop you f you insist to go home and lay on your frikken ...
Drag your father/mother whoever is children of your grandma and grandpa
and said they are your mother..not mine
then heads back to bed..


You  don't have any other siblings/cousins to wait the line for you?

bee~ Isnt what u just described the exact aftermath of drinking? n I would be first to admit that, cuz I got kept on feeding drink so I'm bit angry as well.

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-10 10:30 AM 發表 查看引用來源
bee~ Isnt what u just described the exact aftermath of drinking? n I would be first to admit that, cuz I got kept on feeding drink so I'm bit angry as well.
So, being drunk is good?
Is it a good time to interrogate you?

I am the only fortunate grandson in HK, everyone else is in Canada, including my aunts n all other cousins.

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-10 10:35 AM 發表 查看引用來源
I am the only fortunate grandson in HK, everyone else is in Canada, including my aunts n all other cousins.
Then do they nag you to bring them a grand-grandson?

Good try chef, my round was over!
Depends, I like getting drunk, can do sth u normally can't do.

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-10 10:26 AM 發表
In a huge turn of event, I actually sat down already. Now I hv another problem of not having direct transportation back home.
you mean no direct transport to yuen long?
umm i can totally relate this ... frikken annoying and can't even take a nap on public transport cause we need to hop on another one ... but what can you do? life sucks ... wow what am i talking abou? stop influencing me, 85 (only a joke as usual )

again be patience my dear and you can chat with us if you're pissed!

I'm having enough trouble finding my SO already, let alone my daughter.

morning chef n 85
