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原帖由 正義王 於 2008-6-23 01:23 PM 發表
條疤痕要幾年先消, 好正常姐



Brother.. I did the operation last saturday... I want to ask, how many days before the doctor take off the 人造皮膠布?


[ 本帖最後由 chancaven123456 於 2008-9-11 07:33 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chancaven123456 於 2008-6-24 03:04 PM 發表


原帖由 john534 於 2008-6-23 07:30 PM 發表


Just an update to c hings here... I did my operation 20th of June, 全身麻醉, used 人造皮膠布 @ private hospital...
I went home on the same night... actually I walked home slowly - live 25 minutes walking distance.
First and second day & night, didn't feel much pain... limited blood stain
I was able to walk without much problem, so didn't take any medicine
3rd day and night, the 人造皮膠布 seems to have shrink... causing little pain around the stitch area
still able to walk normally with little blood stain.
4 day revisit doctor (since 人造皮膠布 shrink), Doctor said good healing and took off the 人造皮膠布..F##K was so painful when he was taking it off...
4 night... pain pain pain.. more blood stain... I had to take pain killer to sleep
5 day, wake up blood stain on bandage... move the skin a little backward and clean it up...
took shower... dry it.... I can see some stitch area is still bleeding... little bit painful...:smile_39:
Don't know how much longer it will take to heal and good enough to have sex..???


回覆 549# 的帖子

You can talk with your doctor regarding the type of 麻醉 to use... it cost a little bit more for 全身麻醉..
可以即日出院... but depends on your "after operation" condition - the doctor will decide that...
龜頭會好敏感...For me it is not so bad... it is a little sensitive, but acceptable.

[ 本帖最後由 HondaNSR250 於 2008-6-25 12:59 PM 編輯 ]

回覆 547# 的帖子

http://health.atnext.com/index.p ... 596&art_id=10724408

........ 其 實 可 選 用 「 人 造 皮 膠 布 」 取 代 傳 統 的 紙 杯 , 既 可 減 低 活 動 時 造 成 的 痛 楚 , 也 可 避 免 紙 杯 凸 起 帶 來 的 尷 尬

[ 本帖最後由 HondaNSR250 於 2008-6-25 01:02 PM 編輯 ]
