
返港渡假十日, 爆漿十次之行

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無人推嘅話, 咁我再自推多一嘢!

ching, i like c9.  can you give me the 西班X舞廳's c9 name please.  i am going back to hk next month and will go to 西班X舞廳.  thanks

原帖由 LinWanBob 於 2010-1-13 11:06 AM 發表
ching, i like c9.  can you give me the 西班X舞廳's c9 name please.  i am going back to hk next month and will go to 西班X舞廳.  thanks
係舞廳入邊全部都係C9, 只有分本地C9或者係外省嘅北姑:smile_47:C9! 到時你同大班講就得, 佢會比你嘅爱好嚟服務你! 並先祝你旅途愉快, 偷食食到啲心水菜色!

原帖由 torontoontario 於 2010-1-14 01:29 AM 發表

係舞廳入邊全部都係C9, 只有分本地C9或者係外省嘅北姑:smile_47:C9! 到時你同大班講就得, 佢會比你嘅爱好嚟服務你! 並先祝你旅途愉快, 偷食食到啲心水菜色!  
Thanks ching.  I was there last June, and had a mid-age c9.  She has soft big tits and hairy pussy, both I like.  I think she's local but I forgot her name.

原帖由 LinWanBob 於 2010-1-14 02:24 AM 發表

Thanks ching.  I was there last June, and had a mid-age c9.  She has soft big tits and hairy pussy, both I like.  I think she's local but I forgot her name.
C-Hing 都去過就唔駛多介紹, 不過那處啲流動性比較大, 相作你嘅舊相好唔再一定係道做! C-Hing 咁喜愛C9 嘅話同你分享一吓我以前嘅心得! 係沙咀全盛時代, 我要求個比較熟嘅雞婆幫我揾個30幾嘅 C9 玩吓, 点知真係比佢揾到個三到尾嘅, 話係台灣佬嘅老婆, 相貌一般但係身材出衆, 都可以一試, 唔試由自可一試之後便迷戀上 C9, 全程自動波, 水源充足! 總而言之"正"! 反食咗數次, 之後佢跟佢老公移居台灣就無得再聯略!

原帖由 torontoontario 於 2010-1-18 10:11 PM 發表

C-Hing 都去過就唔駛多介紹, 不過那處啲流動性比較大, 相作你嘅舊相好唔再一定係道做! C-Hing 咁喜愛C9 嘅話同你分享一吓我以前嘅心得! 係沙咀全盛時代, 我要求個比較熟嘅雞婆 ...
one of the things i like mid-age c9 is like you said, they get wet easily.  one time i went to a sauna in shenzhen, a mid-age c9 served me.  i fingered her hairy pussy with 2 fingers for about 10 minutes, and she got really wet.  i was fingering all 4 sides of her hairy pussy, like up/down/left/right, and she moaned softly and got really wet.  then when my fingers were in the down position, she suddenly turned my fingers in the up position, where some said the g-spot is, and let out a loud moan, and some liquid squirted out of her cunt.  i tried to find that c9 again next time but couldn't.




原帖由 Mr.俊 於 2010-1-22 11:40 AM 發表
好多位C-Hing講:smile_38:点解:smile_41:玩到咁盡, 我冇辨:smile_39:法啦! 鬼叫我有:smile_27:隻老虎:smile_45:唔比我返:smile_43:去咁耐咩, 而晚上又要返到老虎嘅朋友屋企坐定定交人, 所以咪日日都wet:smile_47:吓囉! 我:smile_24:都唔知下次幾時先可以:')再wet過!:smile_15:
