原帖由 日落尖東 於 2008-5-31 01:56 PM 發表
得就得, 唔得就算嘛! 大家拖住黎做乜呢!
不過有D女人就有喱樣野衰, 唔得都唔會真正表示, 話就話想睇真D你個人, 想你追佢耐D, 實質就係宜家唔鍾意你, 但又想俾條後路自己, 到有需要時(唔係性)先搵你! 俾我 ...
其實, 你都估到係咩事啦~!!
ok, let me tell the story briefly la...
我同佢不嬲都好好, as u guys could see b4...right?
last fri, she sms me, asked me to go to her home on sat night,
sat dawn, the guy saw our sms, and so the guy FINALLY knew my exist~!!
they talked on sat night, to break, she told the guy that she likes me and said will have a one week "cool down period"...tmr is the last day~!!!
she has said she wana be with me, and would break with the guy no matter wht he would say...and of course, i trust her....but these days, as u can see from the 吹水區, she has been kept sharing and been enjoying about their sweet past and their romantic future~!! i'm still trying to trust her untill now~~!! but, i'm a bit tired lah~!!