
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males # 6

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原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-10 10:12 AM 發表

that being said. stat is also my archenemy. i was forced to take it last term as my core too, and barely passed.
i get pwned by regressions
regression is indeed a pain
i fogot all the SST SSR SSE (if there are any) in linear regression after the exams
let alone multivariate regression
statistics is like -  durian - you either like it or hate it

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-10 10:08 AM 發表

i hope someone actually got the joke about the retention rate is an "imaginary" number........... :smile_45:
Honestly, in physics, we do have some rate ( decay rate ) in complex number =.=

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-3-10 10:10 AM 發表

but how can you quantify the prettiness of the eyes and noses?
will you give them a discount if it's artificially modified?
If they are by plastic surgery, I guess it's fine by score
But have to put a star next to it.

Eye = 3*/5  LOL

Those eyes/nose/etc criteria, I don't know
Just personal "feeling"

At least it is better than giving a overall rough "feeling ( score )"

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-10 10:13 AM 發表

go to a bar, see how many guys approach u. that's a quantity u can count right there.
but one will argue about the quality of those "bees"
obviously if you wear a low cut a lot of guys will approach you but whether you want to hang out with them is another question

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-3-10 10:17 AM 發表

regression is indeed a pain
i fogot all the SST SSR SSE (if there are any) in linear regression after the exams
let alone multivariate regression
statistics is like -  durian - you either like  ...
I love statistics since F6
I took many courses in statistics in college but mostly of them are for easy GPA though

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-10 10:17 AM 發表

Honestly, in physics, we do have some rate ( decay rate ) in complex number =.=
if my useless knowledge serves me correctly... complex number is a big deal in electomagnetic stuff, no?

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-3-10 10:17 AM 發表

regression is indeed a pain
i fogot all the SST SSR SSE (if there are any) in linear regression after the exams
let alone multivariate regression
statistics is like -  durian - you either like  ...
the excruciating pain.....................................

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-10 10:15 AM 發表

ok. reject H0.
there... i passed
nah you just scored one point for getting the final decision making right
you can't get a pass with that... LOL

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-10 10:21 AM 發表

if my useless knowledge serves me correctly... complex number is a big deal in electomagnetic stuff, no?
i would think so... those vectors... sounds so electro.... LOL

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-3-10 10:20 AM 發表

but one will argue about the quality of those "bees"
obviously if you wear a low cut a lot of guys will approach you but whether you want to hang out with them is another question
the quality of the guys is another issue. i thought we're jus quantifying the attractiveness of the female specie
