原帖由 103010 於 2007-3-28 02:17 PM 發表
如果佢唔吸毒 世界出現一對至死不渝的情人 吸毒真係害死好多人
I think Meow was taking the drugsintentionally and get killed so she can be relieved from all kinds of pain inher life.
She had to live with a man she doesn'tlove.
She had a devil mother that betrayed heragain and again, and finally destroyed her whole life.
For some unknown reasons, she dared not tomarry a man she loves.
Can you imagine her pain?
She had to find a way out from that, and suicideseemed to be good way.
She might had been struggling to have herkilled instantly, in contrast Brother Chochet was the reason she wanted to stayalive!
It’s tragic from the very beginning. If Meow had never met Chochet in her life, shemay end up living in peace with some Thai man in some rural area in Thailand after making enough money in Macau.
Chochet brought her the best days in herlife, but also left her all heart-breaking memories.
I believe Meow had been hiding somethingfrom Brother Chochet not only to protect him, but also made him leave her desperately.
We won’t know the truth unless we can bringMr. Cheung in.
Brothers keep taking about to make thisstory into a movie, I would like see how Meow would tell her story in themovie.
My mind was frozen for quite a few hoursafter reading this story; it reminds me a lot…
I think of my wife as well. I would say it was one of the most important essaysI have read in my life.
Thanks Brother Chochet