
Red Croxx Looking for 18+ New Bloods to Suck (Pt 118)

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原帖由 -Leo- 於 2009-8-9 12:07 AM 發表

this time is not discuss
then do you play 11 ppl-a-side or fewer?

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-9 12:13 AM 發表
morning rosey
did you manage to hand in your essay in time?
also you are gonna have a presetation too, right? how's your preparation going?

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-9 12:13 AM 發表
morning rosey
did you manage to hand in your essay in time?
also you are gonna have a presetation too, right? how's your preparation going?

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-8-9 12:26 AM 發表

morning rosey
did you manage to hand in your essay in time?
also you are gonna have a presetation too, right? how's your preparation going?
presentation was good...
essay was done (handed it in one day late though. ><)
still have to write my take home final due midnight tomorrow.

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-9 12:36 AM 發表

presentation was good...
essay was done (handed it in one day late though. >
will the professor deduct any mark for late submission?
gosh ... take home exam too? you would be drained after all these coursework

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-8-9 12:42 AM 發表

will the professor deduct any mark for late submission?
gosh ... take home exam too? you would be drained after all these coursework
i don't know if he will.
i think he'll just subconsciously grade me harder, which is the same thing.
and the paper wasn't really good. i was rushing out to this party last night my roommate was death-threating me to go to.
(it's the guy she's seeing's bday... and she's so nervous to have to meet all his friends. o.o;)
so i didn't proofread it really well.
i usually rely on my ex to proofread all my papers for me since he was/is a freelance journalist.  he has much better grammar than me.
but i can't rely on him anymore. haha.

anyhow, so tired after last night.
i met gabriel after too. ~.~
sort of am still pissed off me left right after the sex. ><"
i think i need to set some rules for our game.

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-9 12:52 AM 發表

i don't know if he will.
i think he'll just subconsciously grade me harder, which is the same thing.
and the paper wasn't really good. i was rushing out to this party last night my roommate was  ...
i thought your ex was a game developer / designer, no?
anyway move on, heal and be happy rosey
i know you can do it

your roomate's bf? your first time to meet him? what do you think about him then? good match with your roommate?
gabrial is the germen guy, right? hmmm ... you've made it easy for him since day 1 and i don't think you can set any rules now ^^" also it would be hard for him to accept rules too ... he might think why the hxll rosey have herself guards up all of a sudden and blah blah blah ...

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-8-9 01:15 AM 發表
i thought your ex was a game developer / designer, no?
anyway move on, heal and be happy rosey
i know you can do it

your roomate's bf? your first time to meet him? what do you think about him then? good match with your roommate?
gabrial is the germen guy, right? hmmm ... you've made it easy for himsince day 1 and i don't think you can set any rules now ^^" also itwould be hard for him to accept rules too ... he might think why thehxll rosey have herself guards up all of a sudden and blah blah blah ...
my ex started with games journalism... he still freelance for a few magazines when he was doing games producing.

roommate's bf's TALL! i wanted to make a tall joke when i saw them hugging at the door. (he's 6'5" and she's 5'2") lol.
but i didn't want to sound mean. :p

gab is the german guy, yeah...
mmm... rules.. yeah. may be hard, but there's  some things i can accept
i don't mind him seeing other girls since i am free to see other people too, i don't even mind him talking about them, in fact, i encourage it.
but other things i get pissed off so much the morning after...
like one time he kicked me out early in the morning coz he's seeing another girl...
what are we? appointments? ><"  ~.~

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-9 01:35 AM 發表

my ex started with games journalism... he still freelance for a few magazines when he was doing games producing.

roommate's bf's TALL! i wanted to make a tall joke when i saw them hugging at t ...
LOL 5'2 vs 6'5? it's tough but ya love conquers everything ... didn't i tell you my ex is shorter than me? that not huge difference as your friend though

now your gabriel? how could he kick you outta door simply for another girl? did you know that girl or get to see her in the end before you left?
what a f-ing jerk @@ it is getting ridiculous :smile_22:
i won't and can't stand all these craps at all ... even if there's no real commitment between you two yet, but being respect to a friend, a girl is a just basic thing
this dude has to get a social clue or better yet, goes back to the kindgarten and learns the basic manner from the scratch :smile_45:

anyway i done my bedtime reading
time to hit the hay now
stop thinking your gabriel for the time being ... focus on your exam first, k? =P
good luck sweetie
talk to you soon ^^
