
Looking for 18> ABCs, BBCs, CBCs, ..., ZBCs who prefer eng chat (part 51)

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原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-15 06:55 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Christian friend is fine but they should not be the maniac types.

Christian girlfriend is a NO. It's just bad to her too.
She may have to withstand the pressure from her Christians friends w ...
emm....sounds like u are in bad bad shape

:') :') :')

U can buy me lunch and confess~

one night the pages:smile_30:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-15 06:23 AM 發表

Too fat for that
and muscles will get sore which will affect my performance in table tennis

I just ran 3 miles (5 km) last night and my legs are in a bit sore now
tats normal if u've run for a while i suppose
juz keep up the training
ur muscles would gain strength over time
by the time u graduate and come back hk u would hv tat 6-pack to impress hk gals :smile_46:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-15 06:25 AM 發表

That is even great to me. Don't need to pay the red pocket money for his wedding. LOL

Yeah, don't want to fix this friendship, was not that friend when I cut this off
Anyway, 多一個朋友不多, 少一個朋友不少
red bombs? true ... i've been receiving quite a lot for the last 1-2 yrs but since i'm abroad i've a good excuse for absence
i'd luv to attend tho if i'm home .. .its my honour to share such big moment w/ frds
btw how much would it cost per pocket? std $500 - $800 ... not tat much afterall coz friendship is priceless

now wats with 多一個朋友不多, 少一個朋友不少? tats wrong n negative ... :smile_42:
although there are millions of us in the world its hard to get acquainted with each other at times
also it takes time to build up trust n know one person ga
u should treasure friendship instead of letting it go free
well ... men is a mystery creature, i will never able to understand how u guys' brain work
and oh oh who am i talking to now? a science geek, ever harder to decode!
fine lets leave it at tat

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-15 06:55 AM 發表

Christian friend is fine but they should not be the maniac types.

Christian girlfriend is a NO. It's just bad to her too.
She may have to withstand the pressure from her Christians friends whomay have some bad talk behind her ( like, See, XXX has a non-Christianbf and so )
If I can avoid/choose, no Christian, thanks.
never say never
as we discussed earlier christian nowadays are not tat loyal to the almighty so u might fall in love with one
luv is irrational, so as life ... u never know when n wat would hit u, ok? :smile_46:

hey hey goto tell u 私隱線 is dl'ed onto my pc aldy... loving it!

[ 本帖最後由 wannabe 於 2009-3-15 01:53 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 victor888 於 2009-3-15 09:40 AM 發表

emm....sounds like u are in bad bad shape

:') :') :')

U can buy me lunch and confess~
oh plz wake up n stop day dreaming ... u think u're god? :smile_19:  
u juz wanna take a free lunch ... let the green peace boy be alone, will u!

原帖由 -Leo- 於 2009-3-15 11:20 AM 發表
one night the pages:smile_30:
we juz luv blowing ... .... water n bullshxting day n nite tats all!
i'm having fun here tho  

time to do my power nap after a nice warm brekky
i must part ... another time for more chit chat

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-3-15 01:44 PM 發表

red bombs? true ... i've been receiving quite a lot for the last 1-2 yrs but since i'm abroad i've a good excuse for absence
i'd luv to attend tho if i'm home .. .its my honour to share such b ...
It's like 500 for so-so friend. For better friend, it can be like 1k or 500+ some gifts.

For that quote, just console myself after the cut-off.
Anyway, it was over and I didn't want to pick the bad memory back.
I just knew the girl ( in fact, 2 girls at the same time ) a few months only before the cut-off.

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-3-15 01:46 PM 發表

never say never
as we discussed earlier christian nowadays are not tat loyal to the almighty so u might fall in love with one
luv is irrational, so as life ... u never know when n wat would h ...
Never say "never say never"....it's a loop of logical arguments.

For me, love is just some series of chemical reaction happening in one's brain to alter their feelings.
If you are aware of this, you probably be able to overcome the urge of feeling.
I am pretty cold-blooded in love although I still want to have a good one.

Hardcore christian is a big NO to me, rationally.
If she is a pretty unloyal one and will give it up entirely, I will consider that though.
It's like I won't love a girl who smoke/drug abuse.
Never is never for me in those caes.

hi everyone time to dig this post up from the 3rd page!
