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二班千二:威力川(王牌) 飛龍駒



不過,所謂有錢使得鬼推磨,以香港買家目前嘅購買力,真係咩事都可能發生。日前就傳出由古摩亞擁有,最近勇奪G2德國二千堅尼冠軍嘅三歲馬Knife Edge,已經以天價售港。對於失去呢匹五戰得2冠1亞1季嘅佳駟,練馬師布銘球(Marco Botti)坦言感到非常失望同埋可惜,佢相信如果唔係價錢太吸引,馬主肯定唔會割愛。

至於Knife Edge買家誰屬?大摩就話呢匹應屆德國二千堅尼冠軍就唔係佢買嘅,咁究竟邊個咁有財力,不妨拭目以待。


回覆 #329: 大摩馬房討論區第六章

八爺 綠勇士同甜統 可否為大摩打響頭炮


John Moore’s Derby favourite Rapper Dragon to face Hong Kong Cup test before classic quest

John Moore was given a green light by owner Albert Hung Chao-hong during Wednesday’s stable bai-sun ceremony to change course with nominal Derby favourite Rapper Dragon towards the Longines international meeting but is likely to part company with his usual rider, Joao Moreira.

As the then three-year-old made his way to a stunning 114 rating last season, Moore said he had no plans to target the internationals with Rapper Dragon and would steer a steady course to take in the three four-year-old Group Ones with the gelding, who is already more highly rated than most Derby winners are post-Derby.

At that time, Moore was content he had a trump card for the Hong Kong Cup in the world’s joint fifth-rated racehorse, Werther, and didn’t want to overtax the new four-year-old Rapper Dragon if it wasn’t necessary.

But with Werther’s track accident at Sha Tin last Saturday leaving him sidelined for the rest of the year, the trainer asked Hung if he was interested in switching to an earlier target worth HK$25 million.

“Albert was at our bai-sun and said he had no objection to running Rapper Dragon in the Hong Kong Cup,” Moore said.

“This horse is tough and has the constitution to be able to cope with the extra workload and be at his best in both. All he will need is a freshen up after December to get back on path for the Derby.

Not since Lucky Owners won the 2003 Hong Kong Mile on his way to the 2004 Derby has a four-year-old managed any similar feat and few have even attempted it.

Rapper Dragon’s early season programme will now change too, with the gelding making an earlier than previously anticipated return to racing.

“He’ll have two starts into the international race – first-up in the Sha Tin Trophy at the end of October, then the Jockey Club Mile, then the Cup,” said Moore, but admitted the question of a jockey is an open one.

“It’s up in the air if Joao’s going to ride [Japan star] Maurice but I’m not too worried. I have Tommy Berry and Hugh Bowman in the picture.

“Tommy’s probably going to be offered the ride on Designs On Rome. Hughy would have ridden Werther, of course, so maybe it will be him but I’ll want someone who can ride the horse in his lead-up races as well as the international.”


原帖由 schon319 於 2016-9-1 11:08 PM 發表 查看引用來源根據SCMP報導,由於明月千里受傷,大摩將改變佳龍駒今季部署,提早於10月出戰以備戰香港盃,並已取得馬主同意。至於國際賽當日騎師人選,則視乎莫雷拉會否選騎滿樂時,而大摩有貝湯美或者布文作後備人選。John ...

[ 本帖最後由 kwanying28 於 2016-9-1 11:58 PM 使用 編輯 ]

原帖由 schon319 於 2016-9-1 11:08 PM 發表 查看引用來源根據SCMP報導,由於明月千里受傷,大摩將改變佳龍駒今季部署,提早於10月出戰以備戰香港盃,並已取得馬主同意。至於國際賽當日騎師人選,則視乎莫雷拉會否選騎滿樂時,而大摩有貝湯美或者布文作後備人選。John ...


大摩: Experto Crede, Zebedaios, Out and About
告仔: Chief Whip, Biz Heart, Geroge Patton, Aspar
何良: Defrocked
高佬: Primitivo, Smuggler's Moon

大摩連Experto Crede都肯收, 可能係老蕭買入Eagle Way既附帶條件
