
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males # Two Pairs

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原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-2-4 05:57 AM 發表

I wish we could have more snow here  :smile_19:  :smile_19:  I went twice and the season already over :smile_19:
wait till you actually get the the snow and you'll find it not as romantic as you have been thinking... sigh...

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-2-4 06:24 AM 發表

are u talking about skiing/snowboarding? i didnt even get to go once :')
how can that be?

i thought you come from somewhere snows even worse...

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-2-4 07:16 AM 發表

hehehe.... not you.  I got mixed up    

if you are in HK, chance of skiing/snowboarding is not great
someone did go... which is too good

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-3 15:23 發表

wait till you actually get the the snow and you'll find it not as romantic as you have been thinking... sigh...
    I actually did spend some times in those places.  True that the pure white winter is not so fun  

... ... but that's human nature ---- got ONE; want TWO.  got sun, want snow/rain

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-2-4 07:42 AM 發表

    I actually did spend some times in those places.  True that the pure white winter is not so fun  

... ... but that's human nature ---- got ONE; want TWO.  got sun, want snow/rain
Got son, want daughter....

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-4 07:24 AM 發表

how can that be?

i thought you come from somewhere snows even worse...

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-2-4 07:16 AM 發表

hehehe.... not you.  I got mixed up    

if you are in HK, chance of skiing/snowboarding is not great
you are further mistaking... :smile_45::smile_42:

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-2-3 16:31 發表

you are further mistaking... :smile_45::smile_42:
oh!!!      you are not????

where about are you then..... if you don't mind me asking

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-2-4 08:31 AM 發表

you are further mistaking... :smile_45::smile_42:
how about you making us clear about that

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-2-4 08:38 AM 發表

oh!!!      you are not????

where about are you then..... if you don't mind me asking
he grew in Canada, not sure where he is now
