
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males #3

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the stock market is not welcoming the new president with happy news  :smile_19:  :smile_19:

chef, sold your BAC share yet???  

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-21 04:47 AM 發表
the stock market is not welcoming the new president with happy news  :smile_19:  :smile_19:

chef, sold your BAC share yet???  
Never bought them LOL

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-21 04:42 AM 發表
Hi people    

talking about discrimination on the day our first black president sworn in???  
LOL Discrimination is not just racist...

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-21 04:41 AM 發表

hey - i think i m only mad when my loved one is not agree (even that's not true in the case, i m ok open-minded) - do you think you need to rethink the relationship between you and that "good frie ...
I have seriously "rethink" for years and conclusion is NO
Is it enough?

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-1-21 05:19 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-21 03:57 AM 發表

That's the point for me too

Anyway, I don't know why I was mad.
Forget about this topic.

Here I raise another topic then.
What do you think about discrimination?
Can it be justified? Is i ...
anyways, to your question
i believe discriminations because we somehow dislike "difference"
just like your feeling towards your fd right now - it's human nature to against something that goes against their will

if we are from a similar background/race/education/social status
we have similar "views" towards a lot of things - halo effect might not be the right word but I think you know what i mean

since your "good friend" and the prostitutes are not on the same standing
she discriminates them for a good reason

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-21 04:42 AM 發表
Hi people    

talking about discrimination on the day our first black president sworn in???  
screw him
never thinks he's going to bring me anything other than more tax bills

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-21 05:05 AM 發表

I have seriously "rethink" for years and conclusion is NO
Is it enough?
relationship starts from denial

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-21 05:58 AM 發表

relationship starts from denial
Your argument can extend too much
You are saying, you accept, then accept
if you deny, then it's a start of acceptance, and finally accept
Accept <> Deny = Accept
=> Accept <> Accept?

"To lemon or not to lemon, that is the question"

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-1-21 06:38 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-21 05:56 AM 發表

anyways, to your question
i believe discriminations because we somehow dislike "difference"
just like your feeling towards your fd right now - it's human nature to against something that goes ag ...
But why those thing is there? disliking the difference? why

It's similar to nationalism. ( kind of country discrimination )

For my view, people just want to unite/bond themselves together for benefit.
As people gathered during ancient time, society formed.
People wanted to be part of the society and reinforced the sense of belonging/bonding
They tended to group the alike kind of people and isolated those unlike.
That's why I think.

Of course, above can't explain why the gender, age, etc discrimination.
I guess, it's like what you said, people dislike "difference".
However, the difference is the bad difference in your mind.
People don't discriminate rich people, successful people, pretty girl etc. (jealous is not discrimination here)
They just discriminate those people with "bad difference", like prostitute, beggar, disabled, old trash, stupid retarded, ugly employee, stinky friends, etc
Although you would argue they think the difference is bad because they discriminate them already, i guess it's not really the case.

So, I don't think those discrimination is that bad, that is just lack of love.

good morning and afternoon.......
