
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males #2

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原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-16 03:37 AM 發表

it's true, one of my friend, there was one time I am at her home, she change her pajamas right in front of me.
I was like wtf?
but she had her back facing me not the chest of cos

[ 本帖最後由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-16 03:42 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-16 03:41 AM 發表

it's true, one of my friend, there was one time I am at her home, she change her pajamas right in front of me.
I was like wtf?
but she had her back facing me not the chest of cos
You should not say it here...XD
We have a big color wolf in this thread.
You will meet him later

and nite.

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-15 11:39 發表

so you are just naturally good?
thanks to your reading habit

don't mean to keep you here
we'll catch up tmr
agree  :smile_24:  not even a hint of HK English....

原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-15 11:41 發表

it's true, one of my friend, there was one time I am at her home, she change her pajamas right in front of me.
I was like wtf?
but she had her back facing me not the chest of cos
i go wtf just by reading it  :smile_47::smile_47:

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-15 11:44 發表

i go wtf just by reading it  :smile_47::smile_47:
well actually, i don't do wtf     wth is as far as i am willing to go

原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-15 11:37 發表
had a great time with all you guys tonight and it's time to bed for me : ) goodnight you guys and keep having fun in here, see you all tomorrow : )
good night Mynheer.  

well, not naturally good I guess.

I quit formal studies at form. 5 and study on my own since then.
I bet I did the same effort or even more than everyone did on studies, well it's just in different way.

I have acquire many knowledges and skills and even the expertise of my current work from time to time , all by myself.

I just don't like the way of the education in Hong Kong, I use myself to against it.
I broke my mother's heart when I made this decision back then but luckily I turned out ok, so she is ok now : )

原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-16 03:48 AM 發表
well, not naturally good I guess.

I quit formal studies at form. 5 and study on my own since then.
I bet I did the same effort or even more than everyone did on studies, well it's just in differen ...

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-16 01:05 AM 發表

i'll be happy to have a company
but honestly, this post is different from kanojo's

i m very relaxed and laid back
we have intellectual topics some time but it's all fun

i m sure you've met Chef already
other core members are 25 (the bad), Rebcc (the injured), DS (the eldest), U (the funny)... and many others.
Not bad... 13 pages and going in one night... and thank you for how you introduced me... :smile_45:

原帖由 rebcc 於 2009-1-16 03:53 AM 發表

Not bad... 13 pages and going in one night... and thank you for how you introduced me... :smile_45:
BTW, rebcc, which part of your body get injured? i guess i miss it
