
一位內地兄台對小姐的看法 (轉載)

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thanks for sharing, it's really pity for their husband

原帖由 我是鬼 於 2008-12-9 12:39 PM 發表

我冇咩所謂, 如果條女又靚服侍又好, 理得佢係唔係雞

We cannot use your angle to see this matter although different peoples have different point of view.:smile_39:

The girls provide service to the clients and they receive the money, it's very resonable and normal.

I would not look down this kind of service girls.:smile_38:

I also discussed with the girls that they say most of the Chinese clients (from China) always use your angle to treat them but
the clients from Hong Kong and other Asian countries are not.:smile_45:

As a conclusion, it only the different angle matter.  You should take it easy as you also receive the service and joy from them.

全世界笑貧不笑娼, 好多大陸女仔為咗搵快錢便出賣自己, 香港好多細路女幹這行都係為咗買個LV


At lease you try to tell us some things.


buy and sell, both are willing. so, back to home town with money, who cares? see what the dog is doing.. only patiently waiting for money.

in china, people laugh at poor but not chick

無做過小姐既女人, 咪一樣同幾十人瞓過先嫁比你, 唔通下下要娶個處女咩
