
肛交好處 (finally updated! - p.37 #545)

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原帖由 Ice-man 於 2009-6-1 08:58 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Use my thick finger to help u la, but no interest to play my ass by my finger woo.
he he
use ur thick finger ar? not ur dick ar? haha

原帖由 爛gag王 於 2009-6-1 09:04 AM 發表 查看引用來源

有手玩人, 無手玩自己 :smile_30: :smile_30:
haha, so do u like a girl play with ur ass ar?

原帖由 waiwaiwai3 於 2009-6-1 10:54 AM 發表 查看引用來源

:smile_30: if he fuck me..then may be I can enjoy that the feeling of anal sex u share in this post:smile_40: :smile_42:
haha, maybe u should ask a girl to try it with u then!!

but i don't know if u will like it as much as me la!!

原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-6-1 11:08 AM 發表 查看引用來源
i can fuck asses without fucking the pussy. just spit on it and use a few fingers to poke the hole and i can just slide the cock inside. very niceeee!
agreed!! sometimes i just have anal sex without fucking my pussy ga, just maybe lick my ass a bit, then my pussy will get wet and will flow down to my ass la

原帖由 456wing 於 2009-6-1 11:10 AM 發表 查看引用來源

i guess not 次次都 have gei, but these few years, usually will ga

原帖由 53545453 於 2009-6-1 11:56 AM 發表 查看引用來源

what is 後庭花 ar??

原帖由 昆布 於 2009-6-1 01:00 PM 發表 查看引用來源


早幾晚佢搵我黎試,我真係 high 到上左天,好鐘意果種強烈感覺
下次我一定會手指插住佢後門黎舐佢妹妹,佢一定 ...
good! actually, i started by playing with my own asshole too, and first few times might not feel that good ga, i posted on it before

"我第一次肛交 最近看見好多人討論肛交, 我都想分享下我的睇法. 我明白好多女仔都話不會試, 因為覺得會很痛或者不幹淨所以點都唔會試. 但是我想話我第一次係幾年前係美國讀大學時. 可能係外國所以大家都開放D. 幾多個女仔朋友都話試過同覺得幾有趣.

所以我有時也自己玩下屎眼, 咁有一次同那時侯既bf去完party, 大家都醉醉地, 我主動提議試下. :smile_13:

老實說, 第一次真係唔很舒服, 但是個感覺, 個概念真係好刺激!!! 之後練習多咗真係每次都好high.

我想講既係, 我建議大家女仔試下囉. :smile_13:  我第一次都痛㗎, 但是我現在真係好鍾意肛交呀! "

but i love it now, and do it all the time when i DIY la

原帖由 milo99 於 2009-6-2 08:46 AM 發表 查看引用來源

what is 後庭花 ar??

原帖由 milo99 於 2009-6-2 08:41 AM 發表

haha, maybe u should ask a girl to try it with u then!!

but i don't know if u will like it as much as me la!!  
most of chinese girl doesn`t like it...over 90% ..:smile_13:may be  find u teach me first la..  see i will enjoy it or not

ATM is the ultimate anal sex. it means Ass Too Mouth. u get fucked in the ass and then suck it clean with your mouth and u get fucked again (repeatledy). this is the best feeling u can ever get. at the end, i usually cum over the girl's face and get her to suck it clean for me.
