
27/06/2007 , 星期三 , 跑馬地 (Post #355)

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25/04/2007 , 星期三 , 跑馬地心水 (Post #241)

第1場 - 1W3P - 7  馬駿寶, 1Q2PQ - 7  馬駿寶, 1  贏得多
:135: 第2場 - Q - 8  火流星 > 10  能源之光 + 6  神劍金剛  
第3場 - Q - 7  飛捷 + 1  百利旺
第4場 -四連環- 11 旅遊領隊 + 12 開心財星 + 4 太平洋 > 1 皇者之光 +10 龍翔, Fun組A - B3
第5場 -  Q - 12  喜樂趣 > 10  金玉駿駒 + 5  明確
第6場 - 1W3P - 12  幸運武士  
第7場 - PQ - 5  果然好 > 7  超力好 + 2  智勇  
第8場 - Q, PQ - 6  領闖 + 4  奮鬥心

原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-4-24 03:08 PM 發表
25/04/2007 , 星期三 , 跑馬地心水 (Post #241)

第1場 - 1W3P - 7  馬駿寶, 1Q2PQ - 7  馬駿寶, 1  贏得多
:135: 第2場 - Q - 8  火流星 > 10  能源之光 + 6  神劍金剛  
第3場 - Q - 7  飛捷 + 1  百 ...

原帖由 dehum 於 2007-4-24 07:06 PM 發表

巴打  5衝勁寶 9駿冠  12第一好運 點睇

原帖由 dehum 於 2007-4-24 07:06 PM 發表

Careful for Dennis Yip tomorrow, he may have two wins or so

also 1  百利旺 supposed to be bought for Derby....  I think he will be very close this race if not a win :041:

原帖由 情中情 於 2007-4-24 07:57 PM 發表

巴打  5衝勁寶 9駿冠  12第一好運 點睇
5衝勁寶 is a capable horse and I have considered it however I am worry that this horse does not have enough warm up for this season.  This race will only be his 2nd in this year....  I will hold on to two races late for this horse.

9駿冠 ... I gave up on this horse, and this horse cannot follow after a race that may look pretty good.  I hate stupid Delpech.  However, gate 1 maybe helpful.  However don't like him.

12第一好運 is good, I will consider he will have a place chance although 1650m may be a bit short for him.

Also another horse that may have a good chance with a prett good pay is 泰山英雄
He showed his ability in his last race and it looks like longer distance like 1650m is a better fit for him.
Of course he'll start at gate 11 however his odd is 21 right now.  What a horse to bet on other than the ones I have recommended.

原帖由 情中情 於 2007-4-24 07:57 PM 發表

巴打  5衝勁寶 9駿冠  12第一好運 點睇

原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-4-24 08:08 PM 發表

Careful for Dennis Yip tomorrow, he may have two wins or so

also 1  百利旺 supposed to be bought for Derby....  I think he will be very close this race if not a win :041:  

原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-3-19 03:01 PM 發表
25/04/2007 , 星期三 , 跑馬地心水 (Post #241)

:135: 第1場 - 1W3P - 7  馬駿寶, 1Q2PQ - 7  馬駿寶, 1  贏得多
:135: 第2場 - Q - 8  火流星 > 10  能源之光 + 6  神劍金剛  
第3場 - Q - 7  飛捷 + ...

6  神劍金剛 我都鐘意呀,同路呀:041:

回覆 #248 ooappleoosm 的帖子

6  神劍金剛 我都鐘意呀,同路呀, 有次跑等四,今次一齊去馬:098: :098:

原帖由 jjChui 於 2007-4-25 01:31 PM 發表
6  神劍金剛 我都鐘意呀,同路呀, 有次跑等四,今次一齊去馬:098: :098:
Many people have the same view, so KO HKJC together tonight, haha :096: :096:
