
Looking for 18> 港女港男 or 非男非女 who prefer eng chat (part 53)

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原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-18 12:20 AM 發表

u shall rectify it
after I finish my strategic management course this term:smile_45:

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-18 01:19 PM 發表 查看引用來源

dont be so disappointed may may....... i'm sure one of us will go back to hk sooner of later...... 放長線, 吊大魚.. ok?
I am not a good fisherman. :smile_45: Do you want to be my fish?

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-18 01:20 PM 發表 查看引用來源

a photographer?
well i don't think you would want to be taking pictures at that moment:smile_40:
I want to have video too.

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-18 01:21 PM 發表

after I finish my strategic management course this term:smile_45:
give the gals your 5 forces.........

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-18 01:11 PM 發表 查看引用來源what else is on ur list of kinkiness?car shake? war game? wax and whips??? :smile_40:
Those are quite basic...? :p

No whips though, I don't like real pain... little bit of pain is ok. 

原帖由 armic 於 2009-3-18 01:22 PM 發表

I am not a good fisherman. :smile_45: Do you want to be my fish?
u think i am 水魚.....? :smile_45:

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-18 12:25 AM 發表

give the gals your 5 forces.........
its just mostly going to be external and internal

原帖由 armic 於 2009-3-18 01:12 PM 發表 查看引用來源long distance relationship? 好辛苦呢~ How often do you see him?
saw him quite a bit last year... since I was teaching and had lots of time.  But still only 1-2 weeks  for every 3 months or so...

But this year... probably just going to be once...  for 3 weeks or so. :smile_13:

原帖由 armic 於 2009-3-18 12:24 AM 發表

I want to have video too.
you should be in the video too:smile_34:  more fun this way:smile_30:

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-18 01:02 PM 發表

then we will do it on the ground:smile_30:
I dont like to advertise myself too much
why not? once published u might become a zillion buck TV boy
