
My 春秋 experience

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海琪 is really good.
However, she has been there for a long long time.
Recently, most of the girls in 春秋 is much younger.
The service is as usual ..... definitely good

原帖由 macaufriend 於 2009-1-21 07:52 PM 發表 查看引用來源
海琪 is really good.
However, she has been there for a long long time.
Recently, most of the girls in 春秋 is much younger.
The service is as usual ..... definitely good
雪碧also not bad.......
Any one tried 小虹????



多謝師兄提供資訊!!  都會找時間試一試!

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thanks for sharing!

today go to 春秋 again

Dear all brothers

I went to 春秋 again , but not too many gls , most of them are on holidays , i ask keeper " Sze Man Or Anna " he said they are on holidays already , then keeper send me " 小 雪 " , she has been春秋 for a long time but i have not try this gl before this is my first time to meet her !  she is nice and always have smile , overall is ok , one thing i must say is her B J , it was execllent , u don`t tell her stop , she won`t stop ..

Good Luck brothers

thank for sharing

d女係咪local 架?

