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原帖由 canon123 於 2009-1-27 07:30 PM 發表 查看引用來源
ching, now, they do not take your money, but later on, she will lose your mobile phone, her brother will be imprison, her mother sick..

FOC, at the end, you spend more.

be awake, do not sink. n ...
睇離師兄以前都遇過唔少這種遭遇, 道出肺腑之言。Thanks!:071:


原帖由 AHLC1398 於 2009-1-28 12:53 PM 發表

睇離師兄以前都遇過唔少這種遭遇, 道出肺腑之言。Thanks!:071:

I have been playing for more than 30 years and saw too many ching sink and float.

some even want to suicide. Poor them. And saw too many girls providing 1000 thousand reason asking for money.

Usually, first they give you FOC and let you drop into their trap, and slowly slowly, she is asking you for money.

So, I prefer paying for deal than FOC, no hand tail.

原帖由 冒險少年宏仔 於 2009-1-28 01:31 AM 發表
哈, 咁都係, 可能係一種手段, 玩下感情, 引d客黎捧佢場.

不過, 見佢咁辛苦, 都想感謝佢陪我, 係假嘅我都預左, 一種心意多謝佢.

再捧佢場都想同佢講清楚, 以後唔係呢種地方見佢, 希望佢有份正當職業.

sending flowers.. forget about it la. send money la...

回覆 1# 冒險少年宏仔 的帖子

不如用呢d錢請我哋web,到時大把嘢醒俾你啦! 傻瓜!
