
港 男 深 圳 嫖 妓 15% 不 戴 套

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:071: :071:

搵命博~~ 真係一樣米養百樣人


全力支持環保, 請各位參加不用袋運動


原帖由 joehk8110 於 2008-11-12 11:41 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Hey guy, I don't believe that you and your friends do not wear condoms when having sex with unknown girls, for 1 ) these girls also wish to protect themselves from being inflected with fatal sexual diseases like HIV, 2) you and your friends do not wish to get inflected with these fatal sexual diseases either.

So, please STOP telling lies. Be honest to yourself. Do NOT spread unreal messages and influence others to do something wrong. Nobody will put his/her life at danger by having sex without wearing a condom or by asking her partner not to wear a condom, unless he/she has something wrong in his/her mind.

In short, please STOP spreading unreal/wrong messages.:046: :046: :046:

Nobdy believes in you, unless he/she is a fool.:017:

If you really have sex without wearing a condom, please take an AIDS test as soon as possible. I doubt that you have already inflected with HIV. Wish you good luck.

回覆 16# SawatdeeKhrab 的帖子

我都唔知你想講乜九,你英文咁好仲咩唔去做鬼佬隻狗,要走嚟中文討論區九UP呢,我讀得書少,唔好串我,我係環保份子,關你銀事呀,我都唔明你自己無膽懦夫就話人九UP,我想講嘅就係我嘅圈子嘅人就係咁樣, 唔信你就自己@@@@, 邊Q個唔知出得嚟玩就有奶嘢機會呀, 我鐘意環保有咩唔啱先
仲有就係你啲英文好普通,中五水平勉強都可以合格,但要串人就睇多啲時代週刊同經濟學人,電視就每日睇二個鐘美國有線電視新聞網同英國廣播公司啲新聞啦, 唔好喺度扮洋腸, 中國人請用中文, 洋人走狗請食屎



原帖由 數獨王 於 2009-1-7 09:29 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Thanks for your support.  :094: I will never enter into any childish quarrel with an immature person; or otherwise, I would only waste my valuable time. He does not deserve my time and energy to bring him back to the right track.

For those people who hate living anymore and wish to end their life, why don't we let them go? Why do we still consume our energy to save their life? This world is already overcrowded. Resources are depleting. We'd better let them commit suicide right away. However, I hope they will be considerate at the time of killing themselves. Don't affect others when putting a full stop to their life. For example, they should not commit suicide by knocking up themselves at home and filling their houses up with town gas. This is an extremely inconsiderate behavior. :012: Appealing to people to have sex with unknown girls/women without wearing a condom or promoting this incorrect concept shall also be damned.

This is my last time of responding to this topic and to an immature thought. I shall not respond further, no matter what comments on my view or foul remarks will be received afterwards. He does not deserve my consumption of 1 more joule of energy to bring him back to the right track. Wish these people good luck.
