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new adventure from Maymay, please all support


A nice excuse for nasty and naughty play :smile_30:

support may may :smile_35:

Welcome back !! Maymay

Welcome back.
Thx for sharing.



嗰一刻我當然係唔想啦,咁我就話如果佢唔怕唔啱身,白俾錢,我就自己返屋企 試身啦 。到最後我都講唔贏佢,在半推半就嘅情況下我被佢跟我返屋企。
返到屋企之後,我梗係檢視啲新衫,佢都唔畀我諗咁多就催促我直接試著畀佢睇。嗰陣時我先至發現比起之前我哋一齊選購的服裝除咗質料之外,啲 cutting 有啲唔同。由  sport bras  講起,啲  sport bras完全冇pads,而顏色上由本來全部黑色變咗分別係白色、紅色、 hot pink 同黑色,而且啲 cutting 比起之前揀落嘅相對嚟講較為性感,都是低胸,有啲仲係幼帶嘅,而且唔係三個係有成五個咁多!
原來佢已經一早揀定多兩個!有一個黑色嘅背部重要係 see through 。跟住睇下啲內褲,跟之前冇乜特別,都係thong 嘅款式。只係啲顏色上完全因應 sport bra嘅顏色所陪襯。有紅色、白色同黑色,又係有五條之多。 到啲運動背心, 全部都係鬆身嘅。有啲仲係吊帶,啲袖 位都係比較大,同埋露出大部分嘅背部。 當我試穿時,基本上我嘅雞翼位, 亦只係背肌嘅位置係完全露出,而且質料除咗係高排汗性之外,仲係比較薄。基本上係能夠透視件 Sport bra。啲短褲全部都係窄身高排汗 性嘅質料。雖然就唔 薄,但係就非常之短。褲腳離大腿盡頭只有一吋左緊大部分都係黑色,白色同紅色。
佢就好心急咁要我逐件著上嚟畀佢睇。 為咗可以快啲打發佢走,我就勉為其難試咗幾套畀佢睇。佢仲親我係房試身嘅時候,自己走咗去雪櫃開咗支紅酒,坐喺 梳化到等待我喺睡房換完衫出嚟畀佢睇。
佢一路飲紅酒、一路觀賞。佢仲不時讚嘆"Oh beautiful! Nice!"
當我將所有衣物全部換完,亦展示過曬 畀佢睇嘅時候,佢就衝上前將我攬住坐在梳化上,我已經感受到佢條大賓週已經硬左,"Haha...... I need to do one more thing." "What's that?" "I need to check the level of your pussy thightness that I can compare before and after the training next week." "How would you like to check?"
"Of course, I need to experience tour pussy thightness personally." "ersonally experience?!"
"Yes, I use my cock to feel the thightness."
"Why not? Then how can I compare? Come on!"
"No way! I finished all the fitting as your will. You should leave now."

"Oh I am hard on now. I can't resist any more. I want you."
"You want me what?"
"Of course, I want to have sex with you." "No, you better leave now."
"No. I have been turned on by you. Let's have some fun. You know we haven't had fun for almost a week. Also your husband hasn't been here for a week. Don't you need that? Let's have some fun, please."
"Not a week long, just only 5 days...." "Yes 5 days are a work week."
佢講得啱幾日冇做又真係幾想要,但係始終都唔係幾想, "No......"
"But.....I am hard on."
"No....My pussy is still swallow."
"Really? Let me check."
當佢一 摸到陰蒂嘅時候,我就打咗個冷震, 然後成身軟曬佢仲攝隻手入背心入面 隔住 sport bra 去搓弄我被sport bra 壓扁的乳房。佢仲親我意亂情迷嘅時候 湊上嘴巴跟我熱吻......
"No, we shouldn't do that. You better leave now....."
"But I am hard on...."
"But my pussy is swallow...."
"Let me check that again .......detailly......"
"Hey......what are you going? Stop......ar.....Be careful. The short is too tight. Be gentle. Don't hurt my pussy and make it worse."
於是佢就好溫柔咁除咗嗰條短褲,然後將我拖到梳化上,而佢就跪在我面前,小心翼翼咁將條白色 sport thong 撥開露出 陰唇,佢細心檢視陰唇的形狀就話 "Well it is swallow but not too bad. It's getting better. I think it is healing.....Let me kiss your swallow pussy as a lovely treatment......"
"No.....I have shown you my pussy. Now you know I am not telling lie to you. It is still swallow....."
 ‎"Ok but my cock is hard now especially when I saw your pussy. At least help me to release.....Can you just suck my cock?"
 ‎"mmmm........Ok.....Just blowjob......"
 ‎"Come on suck my cock now!"
 ‎"Wait.....You need to take a shower first. At least wash your cock......"
 ‎"Ok, wait for me. Just one sec."
咁佢就話可唔可以沖完涼之後著得性感一啲嚟幫佢口交,咁我就話睇下點先。 我沖完涼之後就著返佢喺個 business trip 買畀我果一套紅色 push up胸圍 同 T back。再穿上 一件薄薄嘅絲質睡袍,務求畀多一點試過嘅刺激,希望佢可以快啲射出嚟。因為件黑色睡袍冚住咗 套紅色內衣,佢見到我嗰陣時就有啲意見,"Oh where is my sexy sporty outfit? I want you wearing them while you give me a blowjob." "Well.....I don't wear new clothes without washed. No worry. Of course, I will treat you nicely. I want you to cum quickly. You will not disappointed. Let's unwrap your towel."
"If you want me to cum quick, you need to have more simulations on me."
咁我就解開睡袍的腰帶,把件睡袍拉低,露出膊頭。佢見到我膊頭上的紅色bra帶就喜出望外,佢仲可以重高以下窺探到被紅色 push-up bra 擠出來的事業線。 
"Oh! Red lingeries, I like it. It looks familiar. This reddish miracle bra .....I bought this to you during the trip. You still keep it? Nice! You must like it. This bra is recording the sensation memories during the trip. Wow, I am getting harder.  I guess you must be wearing the sexy reddish t back down there, right?Good!"
"Shut up, sit down and enjoy my blowjob..." ‎ 
佢就好似個大爺咁,坐咗喺梳化度,一邊 攞住杯紅酒去飲,一邊解開他的浴巾,他的大賓週隨即從浴巾裏彈出嚟! 

