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原帖由 zhumuo 於 2011-4-17 14:41 發表 查看引用來源

冇可能, 我估你係CP最多叫左10 ....... 次雞, 今日CP實況, 去過嘅人皆知, 旺剄無論, 唔好話SN, 厘排連K房同客房都 ...
真係好旺, 又撞正廣交會呢!


原帖由 aidubo 於 2011-4-17 01:51 PM 發表 查看引用來源

星期五晚去MB 話要等有房至少半個鐘,走去兩間匯字頭酒店,兩間都自己坐等半個鐘都無房又走

跟住去半島又話滿房,又撇,最後半島一個部長追出門口,話同集團的天鵝湖可能 ...

萬一衰埋就認真唔扺 X 2


無論上面點嚴打, 一樣有大把人想去玩!!!!!!!!!!!!


嚴打捉嫖客, 邊個都唔想, 包括ko
無牌SN個老細都係罸款了事, 再唔係交個經理仔坐一、兩碌, 再大不了行開幾個月去旅行,
你見玩女兵檢閱個老細要受嗎 ?  SN個老細圍過條數梗係開啦, 衰嘅都係經理仔、囡同客姐。

[ 本帖最後由 11ricky 於 2011-4-18 10:01 AM 編輯 ]

I totally agree that the service in CP is getting worse.
I went to Yat Ho on Friday for KTV and picked two 3 hundred and 2 two hundred software. They were like wooden doll, my freinds arrived at 8 and he picked 2 two hundred, including the DJ, there were 9 persons in the room but the atmosphere was like only 2 persons. Around 11:30, the DJ asked us to setle the bill, we have ordered 2 vodka plus one free of charge and we have only finished 1.5 bottle, I asked the DK who asked for the bill and she said most customers there left at 11:30..............My god!

I called the manager and the manger also said it is their normal practice that customers left at 11:30..what a place? We are consumers and we cannot fix the time to leave? Thanks to all the Malays, Sing and Indo la.

I did not care and continue to drink until 1:30 and finished all 3 bottles then ask for the bill, of course, all the software were black face. The bill was 1,470 which was reasonable but after i paid the DJ, there was a guy come to me and ask for tips, DJ said I need to give him 100 wor...........

Anyway, I must say the quality of the software is ok in that place but their attitude were so poor that I think I will not go there anymore..........I am gooing out for fun and not only for fxxx.

原帖由 aidubo 於 2011-4-17 01:51 PM 發表 查看引用來源

星期五晚去MB 話要等有房至少半個鐘,走去兩間匯字頭酒店,兩間都自己坐等半個鐘都無房又走

跟住去半島又話滿房,又撇,最後半島一個部長追出門口,話同集團的天鵝湖可能 ...
