
破除迷思...歡迎大家分享性病知識 updated on 30-01-2019 p.1_#1

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原帖由 Iamnotkelly 於 2018-12-28 03:38 PM 發表 查看引用來源

快速測試嘅準確率唔及實驗室型測試,15日快速測試唔可以準確話到你有冇受到感染,最好等夠28日先做實驗室型測試啦,如果真係好擔心,又花得起錢,就去做個pcr test,第一版有介紹,google研究下。 ...
我只見到再思..呢間?/.///大概做pcr 要幾多錢到?1800?

原帖由 cb01 於 2018-12-28 04:25 PM 發表 查看引用來源

我只見到再思..呢間?/.///大概做pcr 要幾多錢到?1800?
pcr 最早的話,你是後10日做吧,但你嘅行為根本冇必要噉樣浪費錢.
1800嗰個係ultra pcr, 你嘅行為風險,都係嗰一句無謂浪費噉嘅錢.

原帖由 gotNoexcuse 於 2018-12-28 05:12 PM 發表 查看引用來源

pcr 最早的話,你是後10日做吧,但你嘅行為根本冇必要噉樣浪費錢.
1800嗰個係ultra pcr, 你嘅行為風險,都係嗰一句無謂浪費噉嘅錢.
做完之後你又會話個測試可能唔准,唔係100%準確,噉又有乜謂? ...


[ 本帖最後由 cb01 於 2018-12-28 05:40 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 cb01 於 2018-12-28 05:24 PM 發表 查看引用來源


普通hiv pcr 就ok,無需什麼ultra.
到時之後七星期,就去做一個hiv combo,就可以排除,我唔知道衛生處佢哋又冇講明用什麼測試,根據佢哋嘅標準,三個月

原帖由 gotNoexcuse 於 2018-12-28 05:42 PM 發表 查看引用來源

普通hiv pcr 就ok,無需什麼ultra.
到時之後七星期,就去做一個hiv combo,就可以排除,我唔知道衛生處佢哋又冇講明用什麼測試,根據佢哋嘅標準,三個月
但HIV PCR係邊間..其實我見到好多都係PCR但我5 G邊間先岩~

gotnoexcuse bro, I have been reading your thread since the incident on 27/12.
on that day, I went to 141. no condom. 佢隔著內褲摸我,我揸波同埋lam左粒點一下.
我淨系著住底褲磨隻雞下體,模擬後入。過程中我有拉落左隻雞條底褲少少,唔排除底褲掂到佢肛門. 最後係自己內褲中射,比$走人.

I am so worried about HPV and HSV-2, it was the first time and after i get out of the door i realised I am so wrong. these two days I am so worried and cried a lot. I searched and found that 梅 and HIV not likely, but HPV and HSV-2 can be transmitted through skin contact. First, I am afraid my thigh touched her pubic area and got transmitted as i was in my underpant only. second, I am afraid the virus will go through my underpant as i ejected and I dont know if she has discharge on her pant (not likely).

These two are the most worrying diseases and I swear I wont go again. I am so sorry to my girlfriend and family.

may I know when should I have the two viruses checked? which centre is the best?
and I have serached that the blood tests are not that accurate if no symtoms. of course i dont want any symtoms but I dont know what to do now. I am so afraid...

原帖由 我知錯了... 於 2018-12-29 06:00 PM 發表 查看引用來源
gotnoexcuse bro, I have been reading your thread since the incident on 27/12.
on that day, I went to 141. no condom. 佢隔著內褲摸我,我揸波同埋lam左粒點一下.
我淨系著住底褲磨隻雞下體,模擬後入。過程中我有拉落左隻雞條底褲少少,唔排除底褲掂到佢肛門. 最後係自己內褲中射,比 ...
sorry for late reply, seems you panic to hell but you shouldn't.
you were on protection as your pants on during the whole playtime.
for what you have been concerning, hsv2 and hpv,  which are essentially NO risk regarding to your exposure. All your unnecessary worries are due to anxiety and misunderstanding of transmission of stds.
In order to risk yourself in the infection of hpv and hsv2,  she and you should have been naked and your penis must have contacted with her vagina or anus directly, to produce friction during the Direct contact with long enough time, lets say 2 mins or more.
To be honest,.what you did is absolutely non of the scenario I just mentioned, even you pulled down her panties for a minute , your pants still prevent your penis from directly contacting with her anus or vagina.
There is NO reason for you to test hsv nor hpv,  just waste of money and time.
if you are aware of hpv,  why dont you consider having HPV vaccine which can give you protection of most common hpv ?

sleep tight and move on, otherwise, you should have panicked when you you take a leak in the bathroom ( you probably touch something contaminated that viruses can stay on your hands every single day, then you have to pass the viruses to your penis when you pull it out to pee. ask yourself should you be worried about hpv and hsv or not)


thanks for your reply gotnoexcuse...
however as i was just with my pant and I am afraid the area that is not covered (my thigh and 大脾罅 and area adjacent to my pant) will touch her skin around her pubic area. as they say 皮膚接觸 can cause hpv hsv2. I want to know if that pose a danger? I know that my knowledge is inadequate as i just search in the net. I want to know is that hsv2 and hpv will be transmitted if i touched the wart or  疱疹 only? cuz some passages say they have what 排毒期 that even they have no wound and it is still infectious. another question is touching her wound with my hand will get transmitted or it has to be my penis touching it?

I feel much much better after reading your reply this morning. thanks for being here to help us along. I think schools should promote sex education and protection.

I know it is a waste of money and time but I just want to have some relief after doing the test. May I know when will be the optimum time to test for hpv and hsv-2 if I dont have any symtoms?
I decide to follow those people in lihkg and do 2480 on 21st day. and reconfirm it after three months by doing the hiv test, 梅, hpv and hsv2 again and graduate.
thanks again gotnoexcuse bro

原帖由 gotNoexcuse 於 2018-12-30 02:36 AM 發表 查看引用來源

sorry for late reply, seems you panic to hell but you shouldn't.
you were on protection as your pants on during the whole playtime.
for what you have been concerning, hsv2 and hpv,  which are es ...
Sorry 我吾記得引用

同埋我想知hsv2 同 hpv 感染機率(愛滋wiki 有個d) 

而家日日都非常留意自己身體 少少痕又即刻search 又見到陰莖根部同陰囊有好多白色點點 上網又話應該系珍珠疹 毛囊炎 我真系好亂好後悔...

原帖由 我知錯了... 於 2018-12-31 12:45 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Sorry 我吾記得引用

同埋我想知hsv2 同 hpv 感染機率(愛滋wiki 有個d) 

而家日日都非常留意自己身體 少少痕又即刻search 又見到陰莖根部同陰囊有好多白色點點 上網又話應該系珍珠疹 毛囊炎 我真系好亂好後悔... ...
I would reply in Chinese as more Chings can understand what i have said.

however as i was just with my pant and I am afraid the area that is not covered (my thigh and 大脾罅 and area adjacent to my pant) will touch her skin around her pubic area. as they say 皮膚接觸 can cause hpv hsv2. I want to know if that pose a danger? I know that my knowledge is inadequate as i just search in the net. I want to know is that hsv2 and hpv will be transmitted if i touched the wart or  疱疹 only? cuz some passages say they have what 排毒期 that even they have no wound and it is still infectious.
1. 所謂嘅皮膚與皮膚接觸性病, 其實係講緊生殖器接觸, 並非所有嘅皮膚組織都係. 
你所謂嘅大髀啦或者大髀,你問問自己,你哋冇進行插入式性行為下,你點樣可以用大髀罅或者大髀接觸對方生殖器好一段時間? 而且你仲要係著住條底褲?
再者, hsv 2的確有機會出現在屁股上,但係呢個機會都好少, 菜花就更加少,屁股上邊嗰啲,極多都係叫做皮膚疣. 你額頭,頸部,都好常見有呢啲,皮膚疣,但佢唔係叫做性病.
用一個例子講,不如帶套陰道交,hsv, hpv 會有微少嘅機會,原因就係當你插入去嘅時候,你安全套未能夠覆蓋嘅地方,可以同對方嘅外陰接觸,但係呢種情況你嘅根部都係處於被陰道壓迫(抽插過程),從而產生摩擦力,先可以構成感染風險.但問題係100個這種行為,可能只係得三四個真係中招,而中招嘅往往都係被插入方.

 another question is touching her wound with my hand will get transmitted or it has to be my penis touching it? 
你手指屬於厚實皮膚,而你成日上網搵,有冇搵到邊幾個係手指感染皰疹二型嘅感染個案?hsv 2,係喜歡的薄弱嘅皮膚同黏膜,例如你嘅生殖器,或者口腔(hsv 1).
hsv, hpv 暫時未有研究會經過非病毒感染地方血液感染.

I feel much much better after reading your reply this morning. thanks for being here to help us along. I think schools should promote sex education and protection.

, 一啲網上嘅討論區,個速度會更快,當然係要有一個正確嘅知識同埋來源,譬如一啲研究報告,論文,權威機構嘅研究,醫生嘅臨床經驗分享...等等

I know it is a waste of money and time but I just want to have some relief after doing the test. May I know when will be the optimum time to test for hpv and hsv-2 if I dont have any symtoms? 
I decide to follow those people in lihkg and do 2480 on 21st day. and reconfirm it after three months by doing the hiv test, 梅, hpv and hsv2 again and graduate. 
thanks again gotnoexcuse bro
>>,關於何種性病應該幾時測試,同埋幾時畢業,我諗呢度好多師兄都已經well discussed.

同埋我想知hsv2 同 hpv 感染機率(愛滋wiki 有個d) 

"serodiscordant couples from East and Southeastern Africa who were enrolled in the Partners in Prevention HSV-2/HIV 1 Transmission Study. One partner in each couple was coinfected with HSV-2/HIV-1 (799 men); the other partner was HSV-HIV-1 seronegative. Participants were followed for a median of 18 months. The researchers evaluated the per-act rates of HSV-2 transmission with and without condoms, and utilized infectivity models to determine the effect of condom use on HSV-2 transmission.

HSV-2 transmission occurred in 68 couples, 17 of which included susceptible women and 51 with susceptible men.

The risk for HSV-2 transmission from men to women was 28.5 transmissions per 1,000 unprotected sex acts (95% CI, 10.8-74.1) and 1.3 male-to-female transmissions per 1,000 protected acts (95% CI, 0.4 to 4.5), yielding a 96% reduction in HSV-2 transmission with male condom use (95% CI, 84%-99%).

The risk for transmission from women to men was 1.7 transmissions per 1,000 unprotected sex acts (95% CI, 0.6-4.4) and 0.6 per 1,000 protected sex acts (95% CI, 0.2-1.7), or a 65% reduction in HSV-2 transmission with male condom use (95% CI, –5% to 88%).

According to the researchers, this difference in condom efficacy (P = .014) may be related to differences in the ability of condoms to minimize contact with the anatomic locations of virus shedding.

“Our findings suggest that male condoms are very effective in preventing HSV-2 transmission from men to women and are likely to provide some protection for susceptible men as well,” Rees and colleagues concluded. “The mechanism of this sex difference may be related to the differing ability of the condom to diminish contact with anatomic sites of viral replication, as men tend to shed HSV on the penile shaft, whereas HSV-2 shedding in women occurs on the wider area of the vulva and perineum.” – by Jen Byrn
HPV, 個比率跟上面差不多.

而家日日都非常留意自己身體 少少痕又即刻search 又見到陰莖根部同陰囊有好多白色點點 上網又話應該系珍珠疹 毛囊炎 我真系好亂好後悔...

>>你既然知道你嘅生殖器被底褲覆蓋,而你擔心所謂嘅大髀大髀罅, 點解咁矛盾擔心你嘅陰莖陰囊?是否又再矛盾一次?
