原帖由 austin~ 於 2015-10-30 10:27 AM 發表
moral doesn't necessarily have to be based on religion or faith.
又或者唔好講到 moral 咁嚴重, 其實都可以有好多原因構成佢哋本身心理上嘅枷鎖我當然都唔係提倡食外賣
但係佢哋食與唔食, 佢 ...
Hey Austin, really appreciate for putting some thoughts to my reply.
I believe moral also judge accordingly to your own beliefs,so lets dont get too deep in this here.
你講得"arm"係好intimate 同personal...所以一開始要比對於方知你底線, but that only make sense when you have taken your first step. 再講都只會去返 To be or not to be 嘅問題 :smile_13::smile_13: