
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males # Two Pairs

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原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-2 05:59 AM 發表

sometimes i really can't read what do you mean...
dumb to ask, but you are teasing me
This is a indirect reply to 25's phrase 靚靚樓主
Anyway, my logic is somehow weird...
In short, similar to 自欺欺人, 一葉障目, 掩耳盜鈴....

Inner beauty is more important and you also have some outer beauty. No worry.
A bit overweight is fine. Good to cuddle like men with belly. As far as you are neither a cylinder or sphere.

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 09:42 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-2 06:02 AM 發表

But right now, men are more into the characters of fishers.
I am not meaning women are fish, but more likely the passive groups.
They are not 奇貨可居 but still 待價而沽 LOL
Anyway, it's pretty hard to judge at least I dont think HK girls are bad.
Not sure about those MK girls though.

Have to admit, it's changing but still.

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 10:08 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 07:41 AM 發表

This is a indirect reply to 25's phrase 靚靚樓主
Anyway, my logic is somehow weird...
In short, similar to 自欺欺人, 一葉障目, 掩耳盜鈴....

Inner beauty is more important and you also have some outer beauty. No worry.
A bit overweight is fine. Good to cuddle like men with belly. As far as you are neither a cylinder or sphere.
i definitely understand your logic

are you being sacastic here?
if this is not 人日, you'll get into big trouble....

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-2 10:06 AM 發表

i definitely understand your logic

are you being sacastic here?
if this is not 人日, you'll get into big trouble....
Oh well. It's you who said earlier about being a super pig.
You are like 只許州官放火, 不許百姓點燈 =.=

Anyway, I didn't mean it
But my image of being sarcastic is deeply rooted....

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 07:43 AM 發表

But right now, men are more into the characters of fishers.
I am not meaning women are fish, but more likely the passive groups.
They are not 奇貨可取 but still 待價而沽 LOL
Anyway, it's prett ...
it's really difficult to read you
i always think girls should be more passive... yea... it's all those 無謂既矝持

Below is my conversation with an ibanker (MBA from good sch, i think he makes big bucks int his market) i met in some social function...

I: why are you home on Sat?
M: coz i have no date?! (i was trying to tease myself)
I: that's b/c you didn't ask me out
M: I never have to ask for a date
I: Didn't know you are so popular
M: Well, thought that you have known, sorry, I didn't know you are so slow
I: I only date inpopular girls..
M: No wonder why you never try to date me
I: But I have two dates this weekend
M: If they worked out, you wouldn't be talking to me now right?
I: .... maybe we should do lunch one day....
M: Would see...

so from this, you can see... 待價而沽 is not just for girls.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 10:09 AM 發表

Oh well. It's you who said earlier about being a super pig.
You are like 只許州官放火, 不許百姓點燈 =.=

Anyway, I didn't mean it
But my image of being sarcastic is deeply rooted....

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-2 10:36 AM 發表

it's really difficult to read you
i always think girls should be more passive... yea... it's all those 無謂既矝持

Below is my conversation with an ibanker (MBA from good sch, i think he  ...
Funny conversation....( dang, I always type out conservation )

Guys value , may be increasing with time you know, especially the career and money thing.
Girls value, in the order way, monotonic decreasing in most of the cases...once crossing the 30s bridge?

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-2-2 10:38 AM 發表

That's not a good characteristic

...whats up with the serious topics that has been going on lately......:smile_41:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-2-2 11:17 AM 發表

That's not a good characteristic
i second that.
