
looking for a serious boyfriend (age 26-36)

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原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-17 00:20 發表 查看引用來源

for Movies, I not yet watch Australia.

as far as 2 recent movies I have watched
The Curious case of Benjamin Button and The Wrestler
both were my most anticipate movies recently.

Benjamin Bu ...
wow........such informative suggestion to me! thanks!
um.........i haven't find the The Wrestler on show......maybe later? i will think about it.

um...i love movies but always focusing on love stories , comedy, intective, detective, kung fu...
my fds always blame me on watching such "idiot romantic stories " but still, i enjoy stimes out of reality lor. that's y i like movies, wht we hardly find in reality...

i'm simple person........but not much reading...haa~
OH, i love snacks w/ movies/dvds.......dun u afraid of fat HAHA. especially enjoy in a moody temper~~it will claim me DOWN~~

so u always sleep late?

原帖由 kanojo 於 2009-1-17 12:38 AM 發表 查看引用來源

wow........such informative suggestion to me! thanks!
um.........i haven't find the The Wrestler on show......maybe later? i will think about it.

um...i love movies but always focusing on love ...
haha no problems, I love to share , especially to lady
The Wrestler seems not going to screen on HK cinemas but you can always wait for DVD release, worth the wait.
I watched The Wrestler from non legitimate way, so...ha.. can't wait for it! I am sure I will get the DVD when it released.

for the movie category of interest, I have few recommendations, some are new and some are old

love stories : Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind, Love Actually(really need to watch at winter, it emphasis the mood a lot!), The Fountain
detective: Se7en(my fav movie all the time), 槍火, 放逐
Comedy:  Snatch(probably the best one I ever seen), Lock stock and smoking barrel.
Kung Fu: 葉問(really great recent kung fu movie)

you know what, nothing wrong with fantasies! I do fantasy a lot , you know sometimes you couldn't really fill your heart with reality, it's always good to go for fantasy a bit
And I love love stories too! especially those are surreal, even better!

don't mind the fat, Hong Kong girls are too skinny :smile_46:
I like to stay up late, night inspires me.

原帖由 Mynheer 於 2009-1-17 00:49 發表 查看引用來源

haha no problems, I love to share , especially to lady
The Wrestler seems not going to screen on HK cinemas but you can always wait for DVD release, worth the wait.
I watched The Wrestler from ...
wa.........it's surpirsing me, almost watch all of them!
it's so happy to share with you.............but i have to sleep lo

i love nights too.........romantic to me.
so let's continue tmr !

gd nite vince~

原帖由 kanojo 於 2009-1-17 01:00 AM 發表 查看引用來源
gd nite vince~
yeah, gladed you like it : )

Goodnight Kanojo, we can go on tomorrow : ) take care


I am 33 man.


當司機以為自己開車快過 冼拿, cut 線叻過 舒麥加 , 架車好霹過 保時捷 時 , 嚴重的交通意外便距離此君不遠了!!

haha. ..


原帖由 kanojo 於 2009-1-17 03:14 PM 發表 查看引用來源
當司機以為自己開車快過 冼拿, cut 線叻過 舒麥加 , 架車好霹過 保時捷 時 , 嚴重的交通意外便距離此君不遠了!!

haha. ..
good afternoon Kanojo
