
徵: 單身 成熟 有思想的﹐和 45+ 的男性

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原帖由 極樂心伴 於 2008-8-13 01:08 AM 發表 唔係人地話我無禮貌.:smile_34: "要人尊重你, 你先要尊重自己". 無聽過嘅人都一定有幾分冤情.
:smile_30: 樓主唔洗咁認真既~~學會包容....才會認識到交心的朋友!!

though, we need somebody close to us.
i kick out too many before, now i lower the standard already, but still high or actually even higher. because i move the outside into inside, feel to spiritual.

but never material, not important to a good person.

原帖由 極樂心伴 於 2008-8-16 12:32 AM 發表
though, we need somebody close to us.
i kick out too many before, now i lower the standard already, but still high or actually even higher. because i move the outside into inside, feel to spiritual.
no offence and not pouring you cold water on your head......the average standard of the guys here is far below what you looking for. You better express your point of view in chinese rather than in english. Good luck.

因為我唔中意唔認真的人, 所以我自己做唔到自己唔中意嗰種人.
我即使點同呢度格格不入, 都係我意料之內.

原帖由 極樂心伴 於 2008-8-16 12:39 AM 發表
因為我唔中意唔認真的人, 所以我自己做唔到自己唔中意嗰種人.
我即使點同呢度格格不入, 都係我意料之內.
So....your character had determined everything in your life......and I dunno you still want to have some proper change or not......or just walk your own way.

[ 本帖最後由 ccmhkg 於 2008-8-16 12:47 AM 編輯 ]

我知呢度有好多猛人, 同有料的人, 佢地只係睇吓的.
即使佢地唔同我搭訕, 比其他人知道吓一些正面思想都好.
我都後生過, 都迷茫過.
無人理亦無防, 外面咪又係咁.

原帖由 極樂心伴 於 2008-8-16 12:53 AM 發表
我知呢度有好多猛人, 同有料的人, 佢地只係睇吓的.
即使佢地唔同我搭訕, 比其他人知道吓一些正面思想都好.
我都後生過, 都迷茫過.
無 ...
Everyone come here no matter to read or establish a post do have an objective and purpose. You had addressed that in your first message, but I hope more people can understand the real you and share their point of view in here for us to learn. A main factor is your attitude to them. I hope see you good and that's why I leave this message in your post.:smile_40:

只有做過我男友的人才知道我柔性的一面, 唔係自己的男朋友對佢咁柔博咩. 大致係咁.
如果我話有人同我未有性經驗叫我嫁佢. 你地又點睇.
我亦無法接受, 首先就係呢一點上.
其次係我完全無 feel, 甚至相反, 係佢需要我 only.
再其次係, 會咁提出的人係點嘅人呢? 你地認為.
so, 結果係佢同我之間被我刻意造成遠咗. 我對佢只係好心. 我對好多人都只係好心. 係佢地唔會. 疏遠對我完全無問題, 如果有, 我又唔會比佢發生. 我都唔覺有邊個係我 need 嘅. want, 會好易得到, 但係 need 的對象就無咁易找到.

[ 本帖最後由 極樂心伴 於 2008-8-16 01:10 AM 編輯 ]

多謝一d朋友對我, 或我呢個形象的好意.
