
揾3P的游戲~ (update #20, #121, #140, #166, #191, #236-7; prt 7.5: #288)

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原帖由 yuziirvine 於 2010-2-9 03:29 PM 發表
where in the States is m:smile_41: apleland:smile_41:
it's not a state, it's where maple tree grows (canada!)

i guess you are closed to montreal or quebec !
well, your partner is a funny guy !!  i am wondered what else he taught you!
btw, i can't pm you since i am a new member here !

原帖由 phyris 於 2010-2-11 01:23 PM 發表
i guess you are closed to montreal or quebec !
well, your partner is a funny guy !!  i am wondered what else he taught you!
btw, i can't pm you since i am a new member here !
i'm in toronto, not so closed to quebec.  
not sure why you think i'm from there, coz my french really really sucks.

i don't quite remember what else he taught me, i'm not interested in typing so much dating theories anyways, since i type slow and honestly i just want to get the story done. :p

and i don't encourage PM, you can ask me here... since my inbox is 2 from being full, but most of those messages in there mean too much for me to delete.... and i need 98 more posts for the next level.  :smile_o16:

oh ! because you mentioned smoking lol, and i don't know it is legal at Toronto. Anyway,  i am looking forward to your story !

原帖由 phyris 於 2010-2-11 05:14 PM 發表
oh ! because you mentioned smoking lol, and i don't know it is legal at Toronto. Anyway,  i am looking forward to your story !
illegal to buy/sell...
legal to possess in small quantity, forgot how much exactly, i think 5g or less, for recreational use.

you live in east coast? usa?

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-7 01:24 PM 發表 查看引用來源
最近可能因為失戀, 有點掛住他...

說起來, 現在是二月, 他好像說過二月會回來一下,
不知道他回來時, 會不會跟我聯絡呢?

我們的相識, 是在一個salsa dance floor上...
由他請我跳第一支舞開始, 我已被這個 ...
hey is you, how's life ?
why interested in gals ?

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-8 12:24 AM 發表 查看引用來源
我無意說我們關系的發展, 因為太長,而且跟這故事無關.
我會說我們的開始,是因為我想說, 他一開始就知道我對女生有興趣...


什麼關系呢? 到現在我 ...
hey is you again, how's life back in canada ?

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-8 03:58 PM 發表 查看引用來源

we had a wonderful relationship, but i think it was only good coz it was short and i never fell from being his favorite.
if it prolongs... i don't think it'll be as fun when i feel like i have to ...
hi there
i think i am just a flash light in your mind now

原帖由 hongkongken 於 2010-2-13 09:47 AM 發表

hey is you again, how's life back in canada ?
Whoa, my last message didn't show...
Hmm... Obviously sex life has been really colorful since I came back and after my bf and I broke up... So much that I made it my ny resolution to stay abstinate from sex... :p
