
On 9 sink boat case.

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原帖由 情場傻仔 於 2010-2-13 11:02 PM 發表 查看引用來源
I think C Hing know your situation, but this is the time wake up from your day dreaming.
You know what you are doing, the problems that you are facing. The important things is that you know how to s ...
right...so that is why i think the best way is she never come back to me. and i start a new life .

原帖由 ykk090 於 2010-2-13 11:39 PM 發表 查看引用來源
sure, what can i help you about English? would u leave me more detail or pm me, thx.

原帖由 One_Six_Nine 於 2010-2-14 08:28 AM 發表 查看引用來源
Ching,  I don't think you were ON 9 .  It just an experience and memory!  Of course, play smart is very important!  No matter she will be back or not, immediately get the new target!  And, let your MM ...
yes ching, I would also let her know, the menoy should goes to her, now going to anther girl which more pretty to her. and as her eat shit haha/ that shoudl be fun!

原帖由 Jyuzo 於 2010-2-14 02:38 PM 發表 查看引用來源
讀咁多書.. 英文咁好.. 但思想仲成個小朋友咁... 醒啦... 你估條女可以唔用電話咩? 人地神早換左卡啦.. 仲打比佢.. 戇鳩鳩咁.. 如果條女覺得你仲有一丁點利用價值佢都仲會搵你.. 但好明顯你已經比人叮左出局啦.. 88  ...
right ching, I know this point more clear than anyone. anyway, thanks for your advise. I will no more on 9 ga la.

原帖由 tmchan100 於 2010-2-15 02:21 AM 發表 查看引用來源
To be honest, you are really a on-9 guy.  You have no ideas of who you are, where you are and what you are doing right now.  You are the pay master and this is your decision to dump her or to stay wit ...
right ching, I know what you feeling now. I think i would be same as you do...never sink women again....but anyway, I did fuck that bitch many times.....so I just paid more than normal ...I will take my lesson!

原帖由 hotsuma 於 2010-2-15 03:18 AM 發表 查看引用來源
沉船都要保持理智啊, 不是所有女仔都衰, 但一齊左都盡量唔好俾佢知你有幾多$, 妳窮都肯同你一齊共患難, 才是好女仔!
absoulate agree ching!

原帖由 Boated 於 2010-2-16 01:07 AM 發表 查看引用來源

C HIng:  Relax!  Please don't forget to update us with your news.   In my opinion, she is not worth it!   We treated them nicely, but they treated us like "shxt".  I gave her money and did anything ...
sure ching, I will update my status, so far still no news from her. but I do agree your point, we paid monet is for getting fun and joy, not sadness....so we should take some chings advises, play time by time, never sink again....although i do agree there is more fun to play with a mm which have feeling and familiar with...but good mm need luck to encounter....ai.

原帖由 doumeki 於 2010-2-16 11:45 PM 發表 查看引用來源
oh, don't be down, maybe she is busy to help home to prepare CNY, or something else. you are better than me ar, i never get message from my mm after she went home.....
anyway, what is your story >? mind to share?

原帖由 w7633452 於 2010-2-17 12:44 AM 發表

right...so that is why i think the best way is she never come back to me. and i start a new life .
Wow, she's still controlling you the way you sounded.

原帖由 w7633452 於 2010-2-17 12:28 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Thanks ching, now I know what I will do in the future, I will try my best to control....but man is this kind of stupid animal, when he meets a pretty woman who is his COT (cup of tea), he will thi ...
