
和下屬的第1次 (文:1,3,14,31...; 相 7, 31,32, 56)

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原帖由 sexyboss 於 2011-7-23 11:41 AM 發表 查看引用來源

之後幾次佢都打電話想約我出來,但我冇理佢,始終係客戶關係,但有一日放工時,佢打電話比我,話同老婆嘈大交。想見吓我,唔知點解呢次我冇say no!同佢出咗去;食飯,講佢個女啲嘢, ...
仲有樣頂佢唔順, 用假狗嘅話, 女性自己用肯定舒服過佢亂咁插啦!
如果要用假嘢, 又洗 mug 借佢隻手呢?

老實講,我覺得sex方面麻麻,不過情節幾吸引。boss下屬既0野聽唔少,不過多數都係好快over,希望樓主有happy ending。



樓主: 其實我唔多睇好老妻少夫的關係, 今日佢仲覺得妳身材正,  有幾分姿色. 仲愛得過. 試諗吓當妳50歲時, 就算妳身材keep到, 但妳偪尊容呢? 未必keep得到咁正,  始終佢後生, 咁有女人味緊係想試吓. 玩夠做夠, 仲要係自己上司喎. 自己上司都俾我征服到. :smile_30:
講真, 俾著我40歲都唔會搵過50歲女人做老婆啦.
樓主. 女人青春唔等人咖..三思呀.

以前的事由佢過去, 而家你有B 君就得了

原帖由 samson71 於 2011-7-24 12:48 AM 發表 查看引用來源
樓主: 其實我唔多睇好老妻少夫的關係, 今日佢仲覺得妳身材正,  有幾分姿色. 仲愛得過. 試諗吓當妳50歲時, 就算妳身材keep到, 但妳偪尊容呢? 未必keep得到咁正,  始終佢後生, 咁有女人味緊係想試吓. 玩夠 ...

Hello, sexyboss!  I haven't been up on this forum for a long time.  I came back last week, found your post and it took me 4 days to finish reading it!  (斷斷續續咁睇) I trust that most of the stories you shared are true, and also respect your rights to not to tell or show the truth on whatever you don't want to.  After all, it is your life, and it is you who choose to use this platform to share your life with the readers.

The world we are in is too complicated these days.  I too have been in and am in some not so usual relationship.  But my principal is to do my best to make sure nobody gets hurt in anyway, and that I'm not abusing my partner - that we are in a relationship where both of us are feeling happy and comfortable.  

I think you are doing the same so I can really understand how you feel.  Enjoy your time with B, trust your feeling, treasure your time together.  The future should be brighter and brighter for you.  But even if that is not the case, you will have a lot of good memories.

All the best!

睇左你甘多內容,雖然我同你經歷唔同,但好明白,就算點都好,最緊要係愛對方,希望你會得到幸福,可以同b君有一個happy end

:smile_o03: sexyboss 真係好少見你了

原帖由 manppp2004 於 2011-7-25 11:29 PM 發表 查看引用來源
:smile_o03: sexyboss 真係好少見你了
