
On 9 sink boat case.

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原帖由 nofeetbird 於 2010-2-12 06:55 PM 發表 查看引用來源

佢錢不多, 但ok, 樣不太好, 但有學歷, 條友仔把口得, 適得吹, 晚上可能也懂得潮吹, 或功夫好.


記得有一次兩人各自帶女回(我)家, 我做完三十分鍾後, 佢都未攪點, 還打開房 ...
Wah then your friend ia lucky, as most K girls I found were not likely to do long sex, they would like the men just make it fast to cum. maybe your friend's girl likes him quite a bit and your friend is bed superman so make her that high....

原帖由 chuhuw 於 2010-2-12 07:11 PM 發表 查看引用來源
come on, wake up , my friend.
You spend too much money on her. You know that the money is enough to buy super models for several nights.:smile_38: :smile_38:
yes indeed, so now I have a bit regret for what i paid to my mm.....but in the future, i think I will play more skillfully and wisely!

原帖由 newstudent 於 2010-2-12 08:45 PM 發表 查看引用來源

can U tell your age more exactly so can we can give more advice? 30 and 39 is very different.
I am around mid-30.  but I think there is not much difference of 30 to 39. it makes big difference if the mm is really like me or money.


原帖由 抽水天王 於 2010-2-13 12:02 AM 發表 查看引用來源

This is obviously a classic case of "sinking boat".  Don't let your dick do the thinking!  Put your senses together and move on.  You can never find true love in those places.  Think of it as payi ...
Thanks ching, now I know what I will do in the future, I will try my best to control....but man is this kind of stupid animal, when he meets a pretty woman who is his COT (cup of tea), he will think too much about his own attraction to the woman, and imagine the future with her.....do you agree?

原帖由 capspring 於 2010-2-13 01:34 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I am sure she will come back to u as u are one of the functional ATM to her.  I dont see why such an experienced 嫖客 like u to get sink with a k girl ? U start up with paid sex and now saying in  ...
Well, as I usually play Sauna, K girl I seldom play as K girl is easy to get sunk as we will have more time to talk to them so more time to build up so-called friendship. and then forget we are making deal here finally....that why I sink.
I am not rich guy but I do can handle to play a couple times a month up there, but if you say if I have engouh money to play long term sink, I definately can tell that I can not. I also don't have much time staying upthere in China as my job mostly stay in HK. but for your last point, my answer is yes, I can forget she was selling her body, as long as she never let any other man touch her after she is being with me or marry me.

原帖由 周賓 於 2010-2-13 01:41 AM 發表 查看引用來源
I don't see any love betwreen you and your K girl. She using you as moneytree and going to milk you dry. Lots fish in the tank, Go for new one and fun!
yes your're right  ching, totally agree with you. so sometimes I hope she won't come back to me anymore.

原帖由 孟波 於 2010-2-13 03:10 AM 發表 查看引用來源
算吧啦c-hing...開心過...沉過就算啦...唔可以再係咁...要用錢買佢的笑面....你可以offer到幾多呢...佢只會貪得無厭...錢無咗可以揾過...但為咗呢D女人攪到返唔到轉頭....係唔值得架....:smile_o0 ...
thanks ching, your viewpoint is absoultely ture and correct!

原帖由 AnotherQ 於 2010-2-13 05:47 PM 發表 查看引用來源

you are 100% wrong..... a wise 20X girls should like a late 30s or even to mid-45 men...
so maybe she is a stupid 20x girl who just get my money to feed her wolf dog, :smile_39:

原帖由 paulchs 於 2010-2-13 05:56 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Kid, as you posted this mesage, you had already deteremined that you are ON 9.
So just let go and nothing else you could do.

If you loved her, you would never count how much money you give her, e ...
yes right, she never force me to do so. but in case she really come back to me, I will ask her to do her job for what I paid her. or else, she will be fraud in her business to me.
