原帖由 waitfortest 於 2017-11-5 05:32 PM 發表
嚴格來UU/up 未介定係性病,因為佢哋嘅傳染力同致病性仍有待研究.佢哋存在喺健康女性子宮/尿道,但較少喺男性尿道.
Yes, that's true.
Sometimes we cannot ensure 0 bacteria in our urine tract, some of them even can "live" long time there when we start having sexual life.
Just make sure that's not caused by gonorrea or chamlydia which could be but rarely being infected by oral sex. Unprotected vaginal sex is the main way to get infected.
And NGU,somehow too difficult to determine which kind of bacterias causing it, bacterial urine tract std not caused by gonorrea are classified as NGU. Sometimes NORMAL bacteria in the oral cavity can cause genital NGU.
So bros, don't expect you are living with non bacterial environment, many girls encounter it, like yeast infection.