原帖由 福田友 於 2015-7-13 01:28 PM 發表
Lonely wives, their needs and wants couldn't be fulfill, I saw women spend their time in Casino, than get lay when chance come.
Not necessary a black guy or whosoever, when a guy come in the correct ...
Yes, lots of us are following this rule in Toronto...home is priority, fun is secondary. We do our duty when hubby is around.
For casino, there are actually a lot of wife who went there, loss too much money and does not want husband to know, end up sleeping with some "housewife hunter" at casino who help them with their finance. Those "hunter" only target "housewife", not working girls. I knew one who used her BMW735iL key to borrow money, end up losting again and have to have sex with them to get the car back as she is afraid husband will find out.