
Del Monte Cherry looking for 18+ Can Opener(part 106)

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原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-12 03:19 PM 發表

I just got 1 interview so far, after 80+ application sent.
That's enough said.

You know what
Schools are having summer holiday
If I don't get an offer by end of July, Cherry is doomed :')
She will probably lose the ticket to her part time diploma and delay the teacher career by 1-2 years
i still don't quite understand that why you have to get the job before you can enroll in that dip course :smile_41:
a friend of mine who studied nutrients in uni and got a biology teacher offer in one co-ed school ... i'm pretty sure she didn't have any education dip at the time and went stright into the school after uni so i'm like stretching my head why the hxll it's been such a difficult road for you?

原帖由 吳講德 於 2009-7-12 03:19 PM 發表

i need good friends and bad friends:smile_o01:
good friends? i'm afraid cherry is the only one here :smile_o01:

原帖由 吳講德 於 2009-7-12 03:25 PM 發表

Some attractive female teacher:smile_o01:
what's that :smile_41: :smile_35:
high dip? TAFE or night school?

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-12 03:47 PM 發表 查看引用來源

i got your drift
but still, even if you are well-equipped to compete in the market few years later, it doesn't guranatee you can get the bargin cause you will be like competing with others who ...
You still haven't get my point exactly

Assuming the market is stable ( same ) = constant flux, meaning no. of people in = no. of people out of the competition cycle

Perhaps, let me put in this way.
Consider there is a pyramid
There are , let say, 5 layers, representing 5 different layers of richness
Let say, I am at the bottom now, level 5.
After a few years, I got promoted to level 4, some people who were level 5 with me, got promoted too. Also, the level 4 got promoted to level 3, and level 3 to level 2...

However, if you consider the aging problem ( dead rate), some rich people actually dead. ( or I can put into getting married ). That means, those people are off in the competition pyramid. In fact, the pyramid will remain more or less the same in my model. However, the only fact is that, I got promoted to level 4 and have advantage over those newbie in level 5.

In your way, I have to compete with level 3 or higher
But, even I am in level 5, I have to compete with level 3 or higher, even level 4
So, I still have my advantage.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-12 03:28 PM 發表

You are so young
how do you know :smile_41:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-12 03:44 PM 發表 查看引用來源

which one :smile_41:
yahoo or cambridge?
i personally prefer cambridge cause i found yahoo's translation is not that accurate every now and then :smile_42:
you are right,i useing yahoo:smile_o16:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-12 03:55 PM 發表 查看引用來源

how do you know :smile_41:
毅進 targets mostly those who has competed their F5 but unfortunately can't get in F6
If one get in 毅進 right after his/her F5, some are even less than 18
My brother got in 毅進 around 18
Isn't that young?
10 years younger than you and me

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-7-12 03:57 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 吳講德 於 2009-7-12 03:36 PM 發表

You thought pegge is funny or cute
if you ask me, i say neither
she's ham sup

原帖由 吳講德 於 2009-7-12 03:38 PM 發表

is Adult night course:smile_o01:
course with adult games? :smile_47:
it's always good to learn with fun, eh!

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-12 03:52 PM 發表 查看引用來源

i still don't quite understand that why you have to get the job before you can enroll in that dip course :smile_41:
a friend of mine who studied nutrients in uni and got a biology teacher offer i ...
334 and the econ problem
People try to get in Education sector for shelter as it's relatively risk-free from econ problem

334 ( 6 years highschool ) + killing schools = less more teaching posts required

I didn't expect the education market is that bad...I should have left US one year earlier =.=

For the part time dip ed, one of the requirement is , I need to finish the "teaching practice" on my own during the 2 years time. They assume I can arrange the teaching practice with the school I will be working ( i.e. they assume I should have a Full Time teacher/ TA job ). They don't have enough resources to assign us to other school for practice ( as those full time dip ed students take the quota already )

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-7-12 04:05 PM 編輯 ]
