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原帖由 kk3300 於 2010-1-19 05:47 PM 發表 查看引用來源


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Well....it is nothing wrong or correct coz everyone is able to interpret their viewpoint. However, I do think a logical man can have his emotional power. On the other hand, an emotional man can also have logical mind as well. It is totally no conflict at all. However, I do believe we should think first before we act.

Let's me to share a few stories with u guys right here.

A few years ago, i met a girl in a workplace. Initially, we had just chatted with each other just likes a couple of friends. Sometimes we did go out with other friends for group activities. After a few years, I realized that i had feeling about her when i found that she was a kind of good girl. Meanwhile, she also had feeling about me as well. Unfortunately she had a bf currently. At the moment, i didn't want to make her bf for sadness. Therefore, nothing i did for her and we didn't start up and we were just be fd. Indeed I do believe if we could come together in our fate, then we can come together at last naturally. Thus, i did just treat her good without taking.

Recalled my memories on the other story, i met the other girl in overseas when i studied abroad a long...time ago. We were also just fd initially but we came together end up. Unluckily it was distant love between HK and overseas. Finally, she told me that she had no feeling about me anymore after my graduation. I really was sad as well as painful and then took 2 years for recovery. However, i just thought when she were happy at that moment, then i were happy too. Therefore,  I let her go without pushing ......

Finally, I'm not kind of superman or something like hero. Moreover, I do interpret love is kind of caring and sharing to your love without taking. Right here, i have still been a single life for almost 10 years coz i was struggled with my work and study. Even though i'm still single,  I still do believe my dears love is coming to my life someday............


原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-1-19 01:32 PM 發表 查看引用來源

:smile_o04: 主人幾時入過泥,藍藍都唔知

回覆 94# 的帖子


原帖由 Raytracing 於 2010-1-19 10:24 PM 發表
Well....it is nothing wrong or correct coz everyone is able to interpret their viewpoint. However, I do think a logical man can have his emotional power. On the other hand, an emotional man can also h ...
that story is SO not equal.  everyone has their own story and point of view to justify.  Let me tell you another story.  coz we love stories, don't we?

I dated this guy in the summer...
very hot german guy.  he and i are compatiable at every level.  with him, there's always fun.  we like the same kind of dance, the same modern artist, we talk about anything from women to neurology to theology.   i fell deeply for the guy.   

except, from the start. he told me i'd not be his only girlfriend.  but when he's with me, he'll treat me like the one and only.  i just have to respect and accept there are others.  eventually, i accepted his condition... i never know how many other girls there are, i never quite asked.  but he was opened to his issues with other girls with me and equally, i gave him sincere advice, and because he was so opened, i never quite felt jealous (also because when he was with me, i could sense that he only put his heart at me), but i do feel slightly anxious when i'm not with him, and i'd call and he'd ignore my calls (for the obvious reason).  

my pride never quite allowed me to accept him as my "boyfriend", but he does introduce me to other people as his "girlfriend"... well. it's hard to give it a term when it's not a traditional relationship anyways.  

the story didn't have a bad ending.  it has a nice peaceful ending.  he left the country for the next year, and he said his goodbye.  and he gave me the best relationship i've ever had in my life (even though ti was a polygamous relationship).  

people looking in must think i'm stupid for being able to share a man i love who doesn't necessarily love me back.   but i was happy.  and because he was able to balance his relationships with all of us so well, it was a very functional polygamous situation.  so who's to say it's right or wrong?  would i be happy if this relationship continue for the rest of my life...?  I think if he continues to balance it and not play flavour with any of us, I can see it happening... but the equation is entirely up to him, i supposed.  

many cultures in the world continue to have polygamy where harmony and peace exist in those cultures and families.  it's only wrong when you're looking in from an outsider point of view.  

原帖由 9234 於 2010-1-20 12:43 AM 發表 查看引用來源
:smile_o04: oh no

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-1-20 01:12 AM 發表 查看引用來源

that story is SO not equal.  everyone has their own story and point of view to justify.  Let me tell you another story.  coz we love stories, don't we?

I dated this guy in the summer...
very h ...
:smile_o06: 佢有無愛過你

原帖由 鐵藍17 於 2010-1-20 01:17 AM 發表

:smile_o06: 佢有無愛過你
愛... 這個字~ too abstract~let's just say.  我和他,大家對彼此有一種特別的感覺, 一起的時候, 有一種前所未有的快樂~這... 已足夠了吧?

I think normal guys would had fallen in love with me at these situation,
but he is a special case, he does not live within social expectations,
he is better at controlling his emotion than most people,
and he values his polygamous situation and would not allow himself to fall in love.
so i got the best i could get (from him).
